Taken together, the results implied that protein LMs learned some of the grammar of the language of life. To facilitate future work, we released our models at https//github.com/agemagician/ProtTrans.Semantic scene completion is the task of jointly estimating 3D geometry and semantics of objects and surfaces within a given extent. This is a particularly challenging task on real-world data that is sparse and occluded. We propose a scene segmentation network based on local Deep Implicit Functions as a novel learning-based method for scene completion. Unlike previous work on scene completion, our method produces a continuous scene representation that is not based on voxelization. We encode raw point clouds into a latent space locally and at multiple spatial resolutions. A global scene completion function is subsequently assembled from the localized function patches. We show that this continuous representation is suitable to encode geometric and semantic properties of extensive outdoor scenes without the need for spatial discretization (thus avoiding the trade-off between level of scene detail and the scene extent that can be covered). We train and evaluate our method on semantically annotated LiDAR scans from the Semantic KITTI dataset. Our experiments verify that our method generates a powerful representation that can be decoded into a dense 3D description of a given scene. The performance of our method surpasses the state of the art on the Semantic KITTI Scene Completion Benchmark in terms of geometric completion intersection-over-union (IoU).Continual learning paradigm learns from a continuous stream of tasks in an incremental manner and aims to overcome the notorious issue the catastrophic forgetting. In this work, we propose a new adaptive progressive network framework including two models for continual learning Reinforced Continual Learning (RCL) and Bayesian Optimized Continual Learning with Attention mechanism (BOCL) to solve this fundamental issue. The core idea of this framework is to dynamically and adaptively expand the neural network structure upon the arrival of new tasks. RCL and BOCL employ reinforcement learning and Bayesian optimization to achieve it, respectively. An outstanding advantage of our proposed framework is that it will not forget the knowledge that has been learned through adaptively controlling the architecture. We propose effective ways of employing the learned knowledge in the two methods to control the size of the network. RCL employs previous knowledge directly while BOCL selectively utilizes previous knowledge (e.g. feature maps of previous tasks) via attention mechanism. The experiments on variants of MNIST, CIFAR-100 and Sequence of 5-Datasets demonstrate that our methods outperform the state-of-the-art in preventing catastrophic forgetting and fitting new tasks better under the same or less computing resource.AutoML aims at best configuring learning systems automatically. It contains core subtasks of algorithm selection and hyper-parameter tuning. Previous approaches considered searching in the joint hyper-parameter space of all algorithms, which forms a huge but redundant space and causes an inefficient search. We tackle this issue in a \emphcascaded algorithm selection way, which contains an upper-level process of algorithm selection and a lower-level process of hyper-parameter tuning for algorithms. While the lower-level process employs an \emphanytime tuning approach, the upper-level process is naturally formulated as a multi-armed bandit, deciding which algorithm should be allocated one more piece of time for the lower-level tuning. To achieve the goal of finding the best configuration, we propose the \emphExtreme-Region Upper Confidence Bound (ER-UCB) strategy. Unlike UCB bandits that maximize the mean of feedback distribution, ER-UCB maximizes the extreme-region of feedback distribution. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pf-04620110.html We firstly consider stationary distributions and propose the ER-UCB-S algorithm that has O(Klnn) regret upper bound with K arms and n trials. We then extend to non-stationary settings and propose the ER-UCB-N algorithm that has O(KnĪ½) regret upper bound, where [Formula see text]. Finally, empirical studies on synthetic and AutoML tasks verify the effectiveness of ER-UCB-S/N by their outperformance in corresponding settings.We consider the problem of predicting a response Y from a set of covariates X when test- and training distributions differ. Since such differences may have causal explanations, we consider test distributions that emerge from interventions in a structural causal model, and focus on minimizing the worst-case risk. Causal regression models, which regress the response on its direct causes, remain unchanged under arbitrary interventions on the covariates, but they are not always optimal in the above sense. For example, for linear models and bounded interventions, alternative solutions have been shown to be minimax prediction optimal. We introduce the formal framework of distribution generalization that allows us to analyze the above problem in partially observed nonlinear models for both direct interventions on X and interventions that occur indirectly via exogenous variables A. It takes into account that, in practice, minimax solutions need to be identified from data. Our framework allows us to characterize under which class of interventions the causal function is minimax optimal. We prove sufficient conditions for distribution generalization and present corresponding impossibility results. We propose a practical method, NILE, that achieves distribution generalization in a nonlinear IV setting with linear extrapolation. We prove consistency and present empirical results.Noisy labels often occur in vision datasets, especially when they are obtained from crowdsourcing or Web scraping. We propose a new regularization method, which enables learning robust classifiers in presence of noisy data. To achieve this goal, we propose a new adversarial regularization scheme based on the Wasserstein distance. Using this distance allows taking into account specific relations between classes by leveraging the geometric properties of the labels space. Our Wasserstein Adversarial Regularization (WAR) encodes a selective regularization, which promotes smoothness of the classifier between some classes, while preserving sufficient complexity of the decision boundary between others. We first discuss how and why adversarial regularization can be used in the context of noise and then show the effectiveness of our method on five datasets corrupted with noisy labels in both benchmarks and real datasets, WAR outperforms the state-of-the-art competitors.