One of the most used instruments to assess perfectionism is Hewitt and Flett's Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (HFMPS). This article reports result of two studies aimed at evaluating and comparing two short HFMPS versions provided by literature in Italian samples. In Study 1, two previously proposed short forms-Cox and colleagues' and Hewitt and colleagues'-were compared in terms of factor structure and concurrent validity in a community sample of 324 participants. In Study 2, validity and reliability of the two short scales in 102 university students and 58 patients with a primary diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder were examined. Results revealed mixed findings concerning which of the two short form should be preferred. To inventory provision and features of childhood hearing screening after the newborn period (CHS), primarily in Europe. From each participating country or region, experts provided information through an extensive questionnaire implementation year, age at screening, test method, pass criteria, screening location, screener profession, and quality indicators coverage, referral, follow-up and detection rates, supplemented by literature sources. Forty-two European countries or regions, plus Russia, Malawi, Rwanda, India, and China. CHS was performed universally with pure-tone audiometry screening (PTS) in 17 countries or regions, whereas non-universal CHS was performed in eight with PTS or whisper tests. All participating countries with universal PTS had newborn hearing screening. Coverage rate was provided from three countries, detection rate from one, and referral and follow-up rate from two. In four countries, universal PTS was performed at two ages. Earliest universal PTS was performed in a (pre)school setting by nurses (  = 9, median age 5 years, range 3-7), in a healthcare setting by doctors and nurses (  = 7, median age 4.5 years, range 4-7), or in both (  = 1). Within universal CHS, PTS was mostly perform