Postprandial hyperglycemia is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance (IR) might affect metabolic responses in non-fasting states. Dietary intake and food composition influence postprandial glucose homeostasis. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of different test foods varying in the macronutrient composition on postprandial glycemic responses and whether these outcomes are conditioned by the basal glycemic status in senior subjects. In a randomized, controlled crossover design, thirty-four adults consumed a test food, a high protein product (n = 19) or a high carbohydrate (CHO) product (n = 15), using the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) as a reference. Blood glucose and insulin were measured at fasting and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min after starting the food intake. For each type of food, the incremental area under the curve (iAUC) for glucose and insulin was calculated. IR was measured using the Homeostatic Model Assessment of IR (HOMA-IR). Consumption of a highdressing precision nutritional strategies to prevent and treat IR-associated disturbances. Our research found that not only is the nutritional composition of foods important, but also the baseline glycemic state of individuals when assessing glycemic index estimations and addressing precision nutritional strategies to prevent and treat IR-associated disturbances.A quinoline-based Schiff base sensor, 6-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-quinoline-3-carboxaldehyde-4(N)-phenylsemicarbazone (6MPS), has been developed for selective sensing of methionine and aspartic acid in aqueous medium through "on-off-on" type selective detection of copper ion. Fluorescence imaging of 6MPS, 6MPSC, 6MPSCN, 6MPSC-met, 6MPSCN-met, 6MPSC-asp and 6MPSCN-asp has been successfully demonstrated, in which the sensing probes 6MPSC-met, 6MPSCN-met, 6MPSC-asp and 6MPSCN-asp displayed bright green fluorescence in both in vitro and in vivo live cells.Perovskites are potential candidates for catalyst supports in biomass gasification to produce high-purity H2 due to their excellent redox properties. However, the significant mechanism of lattice oxygen release and migration in perovskites has not been clearly understood. In this work, the characteristics of surface oxygen release and subsurface oxygen migration in various LaAl-type perovskites were investigated by experiments and density functional theory calculations. Results show that the oxygen release capacity of La0.7Sr0.3AlO3-δ is considerable and that of Ni/La0.7Sr0.3AlO3-δ decreases slightly compared to the difficult occurrence of oxygen release in LaAlO3. Moreover, the rate-limiting step of oxygen release from pure LaAlO3 is determined to be the formation of O2 complex by two opposite O atoms. Sr doping reduces the charge of the outermost O atom, making oxygen release easy, and the desorption process of O2 becomes the rate-limiting step. After Ni loading, the strength of the surrounding Al-O bond increases, which raises the energy barrier and blocks the release of oxygen to some extent.Three novel neutral manganese(ii) complexes (TPhPONMe2)2MnBr2, (TPhPOOMe)2MnBr2, and (TPhPOCF3)2MnBr2 have been designed and synthesized based on a functionalized Ph3PO ligand. These structures are clarified by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, which reveals that they crystallize in centrosymmetric space groups and feature an isolated mononuclear structure with Mn2+ in a tetrahedral environment. The photoluminescence spectra and emission lifetime decay curves of three manganese(ii) complexes show distinct green emission (λem = 498-512 nm) and phosphorescence lifetime (τ = 362.0-663.0 μs). The results of DFT calculations indicate that the energy levels of (TPhPONMe2)2MnBr2 and (TPhPOOMe)2MnBr2 are higher than that of (TPhPOCF3)2MnBr2 due to the electron-donating effect of the NMe2 or OMe group, which explains the blue-shift of the emission wavelength and the increase of emission lifetime. Furthermore, the prepared neutral manganese(ii) complexes can be used for high-resolution luminescent printing.Iodonium complexes incorporating tertiary amines have been synthesised to study and explore why such species comprised of alkyl amines are relatively rare. The complexes were characterised in solution (1H and 15N NMR spectroscopy) and the solid state (SCXRD), and analysed computationally.Chemical doping of known superconductors is a probate strategy to test and enhance our understanding of which parameters control the critical temperature Tc and the critical magnetic fields. The transition metal chalcogenide PdTe is considered a conventional type II superconductor but its resilience to magnetic Fe doping is noteworthy. Isoelectronic Ni doping has been performed, but the effects of doping charges into PdTe have been so far unexplored. We follow two strategies to introduce holes into PdTe and to exert chemical pressure on it by pnictogen doping on the chalcogen site PdTe1-xSbx and by systematically introducing a Pd deficiency in Pd1-yTe. We find that the superconducting Tc is very sensitive to both kinds of doping. We employ density functional theory to rationalize the observations. We conclude that in PdTe, the effects of charge doping take the lead but we can also identify a structural parameter that correlates with Tc.The electronic potential energy surfaces of the nitrobenzene cation obtained from time-dependent density functional theory and coupled cluster calculations are used to predict the most efficient excitation wavelength for femtosecond time-resolved mass spectrometry measurements. Both levels of theory identify a strongly-coupled transition from the ground state of the nitrobenzene cation with a geometry-dependent oscillator strength, reaching a maximum at 90° C-C-N-O dihedral angle with a corresponding energy gap of ∼2 eV. These results are consistent with the experimental observation in the nitrobenzene cation of a coherent superposition of vibrational states a vibrational wave packet. Time-resolved measurements using a probe wavelength of 650 nm, nearly resonant with the strong transition, result in enhanced ion yield oscillation amplitudes as compared to excitation with the nonresonant 800 nm wavelength. Analogous behavior is found for the closely related molecules 2- and 4-nitrotoluene. These results demonstrate that computational chemistry can predict the best choice of probe wavelength in time-resolved measurements of vibrational coherent states in molecular cations.