ADHD children showed higher rates of low registration, sensory sensibility and sensory seeking, and all children in the co-occurring symptoms group presented sensory sensibility. CONCLUSION This study reports significant variability in sensory processing among children with DCD, ADHD and co-occurring symptoms using a population-based sample. These differences can contribute to understand how neurological and social factors correlates across diagnoses. BACKGROUND The current systematic review is the first to systematically explore and synthesis research to date on mathematical abilities in Williams syndrome (WS), a rare genetic disorder that results in an uneven cognitive profile. As mathematical development is complex and relies on both domain-specific and domain-general abilities, it is currently not clear what mathematical abilities have been examined in WS and also what the current gaps in this research area are. METHODS AND PROCEDURES A total of 27 studies across 22 publications were identified through a systematic review search process. RESULTS Overall, all mathematical abilities, except for simple counting and subitizing abilities, were reported to be impaired but in line with overall mental-age abilities. However, the literature to date has not established the underlying causes of these mathematical difficulties in WS. Some studies suggested that mathematical abilities in WS follow an atypical developmental pathway with a greater reliance on verbal abilities than in typical development but coupled with impaired understanding of counting and knowledge of the number system more broadly. However, most included studies used different assessments of mathematical skills and there is a lack of studies that have examined more than one particular aspect of mathematical development within the same study. In addition, studies have often included large age ranges and small participant samples, despite the known large individual variability in WS. CONCLUSION Although we know mathematical abilities in WS are impaired, this area is under-researched and there is a lack of longitudinal studies that provide insight into the cognitive mechanisms that underpin mathematical development in WS. Therefore, there is a lack of an evidence-base to inform interventions or educational practice. Cardoon meal is a by-product retained after oil extraction from the seeds of cultivated Cynara cardunculus var. altilis that has been proposed as a valuable resource for animal feeding. The study aimed to assess the influence of its dietary inclusion on volatile profile and flavour of meat and kidney fat from lambs. Fifteen Sarda × Comisana male lambs were randomly divided in two groups and fed for 75 days with a concentrate-based diet containing 15% cardoon meal (CMD, n = 7) or dehydrated alfalfa (CON, n = 8). Cardoon meal inclusion reduced the "barnyard/animal" odour perceived by a trained panel in kidney fat, which could be associated with the aromatic compound p-cresol (4-methylphenol), detected only in CON diet. Considering the other aroma volatiles regarded as the main contributors for the characteristic lamb flavour, both diets were characterized by moderate to low levels of 4-methyloctanoic acid, skatole and indole while 4-methylnonanoic acid and 4-ethyloctanoic acid were not detected. Smoked bacon is a food consumed everywhere and previous work has focused on the sensory properties and acceptability of the product. However, little attention has been given to the non-sensory factors that drive sensory and hedonic perception of this product. In this context, the aim of this work was to study the influence of non-sensory factors on consumer behavior towards smoked bacon, using projective mapping coupled with conjoint analysis. Eight visual stimuli were created using a full factorial design with three factors (convenience, healthiness, and context of consumption), at two levels each. Ninety-five consumers positioned the stimuli in a two-dimensional space considering their similarities and differences, and then, rated their expected liking and purchase intention. According to the projective mapping, consumers based the representation of the stimuli on the three factors under study, but conjoint analysis indicated that healthiness was the most important factor, followed by the context of consumption and convenience. The findings of this study may help in the selection of future strategies in the process of food development, in order to launch products with greater chance of success in the market. The objective of this study was to determine the proteolytic changes of myofibrillar and small heat shock proteins (HSPs) in different muscles during aging and to evaluate their relevance to meat quality attributes. From 8 beef carcasses, longissimus lumborum (LL), semimembranosus (SM), and psoas major (PM) muscles were obtained, cut into sections and assigned to various aging periods up to 23d. PM exhibited limited aging potential in quality developments shown by lower extents of shear force, water-holding capacity (WHC), and proteolytic changes, including calpain 1 autolysis, troponin T, and HSP27 compared to LL and SM. Conversely, LL had an increase in tenderization and WHC, which was accompanied with more extended calpain 1 autolysis, proteolysis and HSP27 degradation, compared with other muscles. The results of this study suggest that postmortem proteolytic changes of myofibrillar proteins, small HSPs and apoptotic factors occur in a muscle-specific manner, which is likely attributed to different rate and extent of meat quality developments of each muscle during aging. The bacteriophages of E. faecalis strains AIM06 (DSM100702) and SR14 (DSM100701) have previously been validated as human-specific microbial source tracking (MST) markers in Thailand. In this study, their spatial and temporal distribution in a freshwater river was investigated for the first time (n = 48). The abundance of enterococci as a standard microbial water quality parameter was evaluated by both the qPCR detection assay with primers and a hydrolysis probe according to the US EPA Method 1611 and the US EPA Method 1600 membrane filtration culture method. AIM06 and SR14 phages were detected by a double layer agar assay and were present in 87.5% and 81.3% of all samples with a co-presence of 92.9% of phage-positive samples. After spiking the representative phages, the ranges of recovery efficiencies were 57.9-99.6% and 49.6-99.9% (n = 48) for AIM06 and SR14 phages, respectively. The absolute abundance of AIM06 and SR14 phages ranged from 0.25 to 221.94 and from 0.25 to 76.66 PFU/100 mL, respectively. Enterococci DNA copies and CFU were detected in all samples ranging from 3.