012). Both provided at least 80% of adequate pain relief. Crossover patients did not have improved pain relief. SRS and RFA are both valid surgical options for MS-TN. Discussion with providers will need to balance patient preference with their unique treatment characteristics. SRS and RFA are both valid surgical options for MS-TN. Discussion with providers will need to balance patient preference with their unique treatment characteristics. Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) Burtt. et Smith has been used as a flavor additive in food and a traditional medicine for centuries, especially in Guizhou Province, China, and it prolongs people's lives with multiple beneficial effects. Thus, one of the aims of this review was to expound the chemical constituents of this plant, especially its fruits. Since cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, pose a health threat to humans, another aim was to expound the possible mechanisms of its potential use as an herbal medication for atherosclerosis. In this study, 10 reports are cited to expound the potential bioactive compounds. Moreover, 33 reports explain the antihypertensive and antiatherosclerotic effects of the plant by ameliorating inflammation and endothelial dysfunction, increasing vasodilation, improving hyperlipidemia, downgrading the glucose status, and working as an antioxidant. A. zerumbetis rich in terpenes, essential oils, flavonoids, polyphenolics, and sterols. Pharmacological experiments showed that A. zerumbet has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects on the NF-κB signaling pathway and can ameliorate oxidative stress in the NOS-NO signaling pathway. Moreover, A. zerumbet demonstrates antihypertensive effects by accelerating vasorelaxant response and increasing 3T3-L1 intracellular cAMP, which has promising antiobesity properties, as well as hypolipidemic and anti-diabetic complication effects. A. zerumbet has potential functions and applications in the prevention of atherosclerosis, but further studies are required before clinical trials. A. zerumbet has potential functions and applications in the prevention of atherosclerosis, but further studies are required before clinical trials.This in vitro study investigated whether Carbopol 980 polymer could potentiate the anti-erosive effect of solutions containing sodium fluoride (F) and sodium fluoride associated with stannous chloride (FS). The dissolution of hydroxyapatite treated with the experimental solutions (F [500 ppm F-], F + Carbopol [0.1%], FS [500 ppm F- + 800 ppm Sn2+], FS + Carbopol) was evaluated. Deionized water was the negative control, and a commercial mouth rinse (AmF/NaF/SnCl2; 500 ppm F + 800 ppm Sn2+; Elmex® Erosion Protection) was the positive control. The solutions were also evaluated in an erosion-rehardening protocol, with two treatments per day, using bovine enamel specimens (n = 15) and human saliva. The acid challenge was performed using 0.3% citric acid (pH 2.6) for 2 min. Microhardness was measured at different times baseline, after the first erosive challenge, after treatment, and after the second erosive challenge. Based on microhardness values, the demineralization, rehardening, and protective potentials were calculated. The alkali-soluble fluoride on enamel surfaces was also measured. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey tests (α = 0.05). Groups treated with FS + Carbopol showed the lowest hydroxyapatite dissolution and the highest rehardening and protective potentials. The measurement of alkali-soluble fluoride on enamel surfaces was also higher in the FS + Carbopol group. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/hro761.html Carbopol was able to significantly increase the protective effect of the fluoridated solutions in addition to optimizing the adsorption of fluoride on the enamel surface. We report 2 cases of medulloblastoma maturing into gangliocytoma after receiving multimodal therapy. Here we present 2 cases of diagnosed medulloblastoma which on re-resection were noted to be gangliocytoma without heterogeneity, which is an extremely rare occurrence. The first patient, an 11-year-old boy diagnosed with high-risk (non-WNT, non-SHH) medulloblastoma, was treated with near-total surgical resection followed by craniospinal radiation therapy with weekly vincristine. He then received maintenance chemotherapy with vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and cisplatin. On surveillance MR imaging studies residual tumor in the lateral aspect of the tumor bed was noted to be slowly growing, eliciting gross-total resection of the residual tumor. Histopathology showed benign gangliocytoma without residual medulloblastoma. The second patient, a 3-year-old girl, was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, desmoplastic nodular variant. She was initially treated with gross total resection and chemotherapy with etoposide, and the process of posttreatment maturation and the genetic and treatment factors which contribute to this phenomenon. This study aimed to examine the effect of progressive relaxation exercises on anxiety, pain, and sleep quality among patients who underwent surgery for lumbar disc hernia. This randomized, non-blinded, parallel-group clinical trial was conducted with 97 patients who had a lumbar microdiscectomy. On the first, second, and third day of the postoperative period, routine nursing care was performed on the control group, while additional progressive relation exercises were performed on the experimental group. When the experimental and control groups were compared regarding SAI, VAS-P, and VAS-S scores before the surgery, no differences were found (p > 0.05); however, there were significant differences in the scores obtained on the mornings of the second and third days after the surgery (p < 0.05). Progressive relation exercises used as a supportive nursing intervention were found to reduce pain and anxiety and increase sleep quality. Progressive relation exercises used as a supportive nursing intervention were found to reduce pain and anxiety and increase sleep quality. To compare data from preoperative positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) with results of panscopy with biopsy and ultrasound with fine needle aspiration cytology (US-FNAC) on the same patients. In this retrospective (2014-2016) study, we compared PET/CT results with the results from panscopy with biopsy and US-FNAC in patients suspected of head and neck malignancy treated at the University Hospital in Umeå, Sweden. A 91.3% concordance was seen between results from PET/CT and panscopy with biopsy, whereas between PET/CT and US-FNAC the concordance was 89.1%. The present data show the usefulness of PET/CT in the diagnosis of head and neck malignancies. The present data show the usefulness of PET/CT in the diagnosis of head and neck malignancies.