In photodissociation of trans-formic acid (HCOOH) at 193 nm, we have observed two molecular channels of CO + H2O and CO2 + H2 by using 1 μs-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy. With the aid of spectral simulation, the CO spectra are rotationally resolved for each vibrational state (v = 1-8). Each of the resulting vibrational and rotational population distributions is characteristic of two Boltzmann profiles with different temperatures, originating from either transition state pathway or OH-roaming to form the same CO + H2O products. The H2O roaming co-product is also spectrally simulated to understand the interplay with the CO product in the internal energy partitioning. Accordingly, this work has evaluated the internal energy disposal for the CO and H2O roaming products; especially the vibrational-state dependence of the roaming signature is reported for the first time. Further, given a 1 μs resolution, the temporal dependence of the CO/CO2 product ratio at v ≥ 1 rises from 3 to 10 of study, thereby characterizing the effect of conformational memory and well reconciling with the disputed results reported previously between absorption and emission methods.Various bacteria from the Bacillus species have been used as pesticides against mosquito larvae for more than a decade. The prolonged use of these bacterial species by little alteration within their genome, using various permutations and combinations of mosquito-cidal toxins, has proven unsuccessful in controlling the mosquito population. In our current study we report Enterococcus sp. to be exhibiting similar kind of mosquito-cidal toxins alike those which are present in the mainly used Bacillus strains. Three Enterococcus species were isolated on a rich media selective for gram- positive bacteria from the mid-gut of dead mosquito larvae which were collected from the wild locations within and around the city of Mumbai, India. Their surface morphologies were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and their identity was confirmed using the standard 16S rRNA sequencing method. Upon performing several repetitive toxicity assays of these three strains on the laboratory cultured third instar stage of Culex quinquefasciatus larvae, showed differential toxicities from a minimum of 20% (LC50 59.6 CFU/ml), intermediate 35% (LC50 48.4 CFU/ml) and a maximum of 60% (LC50 35.7 CFU/ml). To justify the data in all the three similar strains of Enterococcus durans, we followed the differential proteomics using LCMS 6540 UHD Accurate Mass QTOF and differential metabolomics approach using both LCMS 6540 UHD Accurate Mass QTOF and 1H-NMR. The presence and significance of the obtained toxins were studied to elucidate the plausible reason for showing differential toxicities. This work helped in identifying Enterococcus durans as a new, potential and alternative strain to the Bacillus species in terms of mosquito larvicidal toxicity against Culex quinquefasciatus.Internet technologies have demonstrated their value for the early detection and prediction of epidemics. In diverse cases, electronic surveillance systems can be created by obtaining and analyzing on-line data, complementing other existing monitoring resources. This paper reports the feasibility of building such a system with search engine and social network data. Concretely, this study aims at gathering evidence on which kind of data source leads to better results. Data have been acquired from the Internet by means of a system which gathered real-time data for 23 weeks. Data on influenza in Greece have been collected from Google and Twitter and they have been compared to influenza data from the official authority of Europe. The data were analyzed by using two models the ARIMA model computed estimations based on weekly sums and a customized approximate model which uses daily sums. Results indicate that influenza was successfully monitored during the test period. Google data show a high Pearson correlation and a relatively low Mean Absolute Percentage Error (R = 0.933, MAPE = 21.358). Twitter results are slightly better (R = 0.943, MAPE = 18.742). The alternative model is slightly worse than the ARIMA(X) (R = 0.863, MAPE = 22.614), but with a higher mean deviation (abs. mean dev 5.99% vs 4.74%).Microbial inoculation in drought challenged rice triggered multipronged steps at enzymatic, non-enzymatic and gene expression level. These multifarious modulations in plants were related to stress tolerance mechanisms. Drought suppressed growth of rice plants but inoculation with Trichoderma, Pseudomonas and their combination minimized the impact of watering regime. Induced PAL gene expression and enzyme activity due to microbial inoculation led to increased accumulation of polyphenolics in plants. Enhanced antioxidant concentration of polyphenolics from microbe inoculated and drought challenged plants showed substantially high values of DPPH, ABTS, Fe-ion reducing power and Fe-ion chelation activity, which established the role of polyphenolic extract as free radical scavengers. Activation of superoxide dismutase that catalyzes superoxide (O2-) and leads to the accumulation of H2O2 was linked with the hypersensitive cell death response in leaves. Microbial inoculation in plants enhanced activity of peroxidasents. These mechanisms contributed strongly towards stress mitigation. The study demonstrated that microbial inoculants were successful in improving intrinsic biochemical and molecular capabilities of rice plants under stress. Results encouraged us to advocate that the practice of growing plants with microbial inoculants may find strategic place in raising crops under abiotic stressed environments.Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) are model cell-sized systems that have broad applications including drug delivery, analysis of membrane biophysics, and synthetic reconstitution of cellular machineries. Although numerous methods for the generation of free-floating GUVs have been established over the past few decades, only a fraction have successfully produced uniform vesicle populations both from charged lipids and in buffers of physiological ionic strength. In the method described here, we generate large numbers of free-floating GUVs through the rehydration of lipid films deposited on soft polyacrylamide (PAA) gels. We show that this technique produces high GUV concentrations for a range of lipid types, including charged ones, independently of the ionic strength of the buffer used. We demonstrate that the gentle hydration of PAA gels results in predominantly unilamellar vesicles, which is in contrast to comparable methods analyzed in this work. Unilamellarity is a defining feature of GUVs and the generation of uniform populations is key for many downstream applications.