Bioimaging techniques offer a robust tool for studying molecular pathways and morphological phenotypes of cell populations subjected to various conditions. As modern high-resolution 3D microscopy provides access to an ever-increasing amount of high-quality images, there arises a need for their analysis in an automated, unbiased, and simple way. Segmentation of structures within thecell nucleus, which is the focus of this paper, presents a new layer of complexity in the form of dense packing and significant signal overlap. At the same time, the available segmentation tools provide a steep learning curve for new users with alimited technical background. This is especially apparent in thebulk processing of image sets, which requires the use of some form of programming notation. In this paper, we present PartSeg, a tool for segmentation and reconstruction of 3D microscopy images, optimised for the study ofthe cell nucleus. PartSeg integrates refined versions of several state-of-the-art algorithms, including averifiable segmentation and reconstruction of 3D microscopy images. PartSeg is optimised for cell nucleus analysis and offers multi-scale segmentation algorithms best-suited for this task. PartSeg can also be used for thebulk processing of multiple images and its components can be reused in other systems or computational experiments. In this paper, we have presented PartSeg which is a tool for precise and verifiable segmentation and reconstruction of 3D microscopy images. PartSeg is optimised for cell nucleus analysis and offers multi-scale segmentation algorithms best-suited for this task. PartSeg can also be used for the bulk processing of multiple images and its components can be reused in other systems or computational experiments. Left ventricular-arterial coupling (VAC), defined as the ratio of arterial elastance (Ea) to left ventricular end-systolic elastance (Ees), is a key determinant of cardiovascular performance. This study aims to evaluate whether left VAC can predict stroke volume (SV) response to norepinephrine (NE) in septic shock patients. This was a prospective cohort study conducted in an intensive care unit of a tertiary teaching hospital in China. We recruited septic shock patients who had persistent hypotension despite fluid resuscitation and required NE to maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) > 65 mmHg. Those patients in whom the target MAP was not reached after NE infusion were ineligible. Echocardiographic variables were measured before (baseline) and after NE infusion. SV responder was defined by a ≥ 15% increase in SV after NE infusion. Of 34 septic shock patients included, 19 (56%) were SV responders. Before NE infusion, SV responders had a lower Ees (1.13 ± 0.24 mmHg/mL versus 1.50 ± 0.46 mmHg/mL, P= Clinical Trial Registry, ChiCTR1900024031, Registered 23 June 2019 - Retrospectively registered, http// . Oocyte quality decreases with aging, thereby increasing errors in fertilization, chromosome segregation, and embryonic cleavage. Oocyte appearance also changes with aging, suggesting a functional relationship between oocyte quality and appearance. However, no methods are available to objectively quantify age-associated changes in oocyte appearance. We show that statistical image processing of Nomarski differential interference contrast microscopy images can be used to quantify age-associated changes in oocyte appearance in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Max-min value (mean difference between the maximum and minimum intensities within each moving window) quantitatively characterized the difference in oocyte cytoplasmic texture between 1- and 3-day-old adults (Day 1 and Day 3 oocytes, respectively). With an appropriate parameter set, the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based texture feature Correlation (COR) more sensitively characterized this difference than the Max-min Value. Manipulating the smoothness of and/or adding irregular structures to the cytoplasmic texture of Day 1 oocyte images reproduced the difference in Max-min Value but not in COR between Day 1 and Day 3 oocytes. Increasing the size of granules in synthetic images recapitulated the age-associated changes in COR. Manual measurements validated that the cytoplasmic granules in oocytes become larger with aging. The Max-min value and COR objectively quantify age-related changes in C. elegans oocyte in Nomarski DIC microscopy images. Our methods provide new opportunities for understanding the mechanism underlying oocyte aging. The Max-min value and COR objectively quantify age-related changes in C. elegans oocyte in Nomarski DIC microscopy images. Our methods provide new opportunities for understanding the mechanism underlying oocyte aging. Primary care providers are pillars of China's medical and health sectors. However, due to the gap between career expectations and reality, they enter a career plateau phase through excessive pressure. This study aims to examine the prevalence and associated factors of the career plateau of primary care providers in Heilongjiang Province, China, and proposes strategies to improve and promote their career advancement. Based on city-level GDP growth in the province, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 1500 primary care providers (effective response rate = 85.8%). Pearson's chi-square analysis and binary logistic regression were used to analyse the factors associated with their career plateau. The prevalence rate of career plateau was 61.8% among primary care provider respondents. The factors associated with a career plateau included having a spouse (OR = 1.394, 95%CI = 1.056-1.839), working more than 40 h per week (OR = 1.473, 95%CI = 1.146-1.893); working for 11-20 years (OR = 1.607, 95%CI = 1.150-ry care providers in four domains individual, organisation, society, and policy. In recent years, the breeding of honeybees has gained significant scientific interest, and numerous theoretical and practical improvements have been made regarding the collection and processing of their performance data. It is now known that the selection of high-quality drone material is crucial for mid to long-term breeding success. However, there has been no conclusive mathematical theory to explain these findings. We derived mathematical formulas to describe the response to selection of a breeding population and an unselected passive population of honeybees that benefits indirectly from genetic improvement in the breeding population via migration. This was done under the assumption of either controlled or uncontrolled mating of queens in the breeding population. Our model equations confirm what has been observed in simulation studies. In particular, we have proven that the breeding population and the passive population will show parallel genetic gain after some years and we were able to assess the responses to selection for different breeding strategies.