The course intake of the native solution of vitamin D (International Nonproprietary Name - Colecalciferol) normalizes the functioning of the immunity of the oral cavity and restores the balance of the "lipid peroxidation-antioxidants" system.An important factor in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammation in periodontitis is endothelial dysfunction (ED). Adhesion molecules are markers of impaired barrier function, adhesive properties and vascular permeability. The study of the concentration of soluble adhesion molecules is very promising in the diagnosis of ED. The purpose of this research was to study changes in the concentration of soluble forms of adhesive molecules of the selectin family and the immunoglobulin superfamily when used as markers of systemic manifestations of ED in the dynamics of the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis (CP) using surgical and therapeutic schemes. 60 patients with CP (33 women and 27 men) and 20 clinically healthy volunteers (10 men and 10 women) were examined. The state of the endothelium was assessed by the content in the serum of soluble forms of adhesive molecules - sP- and sE-selectins, intercellular adhesive molecules of type 1 (sICAM-1), vascular molecules of cell adhesion of type 1 (VCAM-1) by Ein the concentration in the blood of soluble forms of adhesion molecules. The dynamics of the concentration of adhesive molecules during the treatment of СР testified to the dependence of the sex of patients on the effectiveness of the influence of therapeutic and surgical treatment regimens on the systemic manifestations of ED.Despite the fact that the Kyrgyz Republic (KR) belongs to the highly endemic regions of the world for hepatitis E, the true extent of the spread of this infection in the country remains poorly understood. It was estimated the prevalence of serological markers of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection among patients with acute viral hepatitis (A