Stromal tissue is an essential componenlt of the ovary not only for providing structural support but also for contributing to the early follicular growth with their bi-directional paracrine signaling. Estradiol is a major female hormone mainly secreted by the follicular cells in the ovary. To examine the relationship between 17β-estradiol and the factors involved in androgen production in stromal cells, ovarian stromal cells were cultured in the graded concentrations (50 and 100 ng/mL) of 17β-estradiol for varying time periods (24 and 48 h). The cells were processed for transmission electron microscopy to study the changes in steroidogenic functions of the cells. The effect of estradiol treatment was also evaluated on the quantity of androgen production and abundance of steroidogenic enzymes and proteins. The results indicated 17β-estradiol increased androgen production in ovarian stromal cells. In addition to enhanced androstenedione and testosterone production, estradiol stimulation was also based on the marked increase in abundance of mRNA transcript of steroidogenic enzymes [Star (Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein), Cyp11a1, Cyp17a1, and hsd3b1 (3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase)], as well as abundances of StAR and CYP11A1 protein. Thus, 17β-estradiol enhanced steroidogenesis in ovarian stromal cells. This study provided a basis for further exploration of regulation of steroidogenesis in ovarian stromal cells and the feedback mechanisms in association with estradiol.The Botswana government has recently ramped up efforts to control alcohol consumption through various measures. These include the alcohol tax levy, reduction in trading hours for bars and other licenced premises and increased penalties for alcohol-related road offenses. Whilst these efforts have recently received considerable attention, the processes of alcohol policy development remain unknown and understudied. In this paper, I examine the alcohol policy processes in Botswana using What's the Problem Represented to be (WPR), a poststructural analytic approach that emphasises problematisations in policies. Drawing on alcohol-associated policy documents, I identify two key problematisations that relate to, (1) an emphasis on an "undisciplined" drinker, and (2) an appeal to an internationally-endorsed multi-sectoralism. I explore these problematisations as political formations and periodise them to the year 2008 when they were canonised. I argue that "undisciplined drinking" and an internationally-endorsed multi-sectoralism neglect the social and cultural contexts of drinking, pathologise drinking and do not consider other forms of knowledge. Unmaking current alcohol policy representations is needed to allow for the 'emergence' of alternative conceptualisations of the alcohol 'problem' in Botswana.Positive-strand RNA viruses depend on intensive manipulation of subcellular organelles and membranes to create unique viral replication organelles (VROs), which represent the sites of robust virus replication. The host endomembrane-based protein-trafficking and vesicle-trafficking pathways are specifically targeted by many (+)RNA viruses to take advantage of their rich resources. We summarize the critical roles of co-opted endoplasmic reticulum subdomains and associated host proteins and COPII vesicles play in tombusvirus replication. We also present the surprising contribution of the early endosome and the retromer tubular transport carriers to VRO biogenesis. The central player is tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV), which provides an outstanding system based on the identification of a complex network of interactions with the host cells. We present the emerging theme on how TBSV uses tethering and membrane-shaping proteins and lipid modifying enzymes to build the sophisticated VRO membranes with unique lipid composition.The retention of organic pollutant (OP) in soils is commonly attributed to interactions with soil organic matter (SOM), perhaps overlooking substantial involvement of soil minerals. In this study, 36 soil samples with far-ranging ratios of clay to organic carbon were used to examine contribution of minerals on soil sorption of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and phenanthrene (PHE). Sorption isotherms (n = 216) were fit individually using three typical sorption models, with the most fitted Kd values screened out for quantification of the net mineral contribution to total sorption via development of mathematical model accounting for associations between minerals and SOM. Two mineral-relevant parameters [adsorption distribution coefficient (Kmin) and mineral contribution index (MCI)] were simultaneously defined. Previously reported soil sorption data of PCP, PHE and butachlor (13, 12 and 46, respectively) were also extracted and included to improve the credibility of mathematic model. The average MCI values were calculated as 0.421, 0.405 and 0.512 in PCP, PHE and butachlor treated soils, respectively, very close to or even over than the minerals dominant critical value (0.5). This suggested the significant, or even predominant, contribution of minerals - as compared to SOM. Significant dependence of MCI with four conventional parameters of soil property further offered the possibility to roughly evaluate mineral contributions based on estimated threshold values of soil property parameters (especially TOC). This study provides an accessible approach for predicting the contribution of minerals in soil OP retention, especially highlighting their predominant roles vs. SOM in regulating OP removal in most of subsurface soil or contaminated brownfields where organic carbon content of soil was very low, that was not like what previously believed. Accurate detection of breast masses in mammography images is critical to diagnose early breast cancer, which can greatly improve the patients' survival rate. However, it is still a big challenge due to the heterogeneity of breast masses and the complexity of their surrounding environment. Therefore, how to develop a robust breast mass detection framework in clinical practical applications to improve patient survival is a topic that researchers need to continue to explore. To address these problems, we propose a one-stage object detection architecture, called Breast Mass Detection Network (BMassDNet), based on anchor-free and feature pyramid which makes the detection of breast masses of different sizes well adapted. We introduce a truncation normalization method and combine it with adaptive histogram equalization to enhance the contrast between the breast mass and the surrounding environment. Meanwhile, to solve the overfitting problem caused by small data size, we propose a natural deformation data augmentation method and mend the train data dynamic updating method based on the data complexity to effectively utilize the limited data.