ted with shorter RF times, with a comparably low rate of procedure-related complications. In the long term, there is no significant difference with respect to the recurrence of any atrial arrhythmia. Larger studies with a more homogeneous population are necessary to determine whether HNS improves clinical outcomes. Often, due to the occurrence of powdery mildew, cucumber leaf surfaces is changed into a more hydrophobic surface, which affects wetting and spreading of liquid pesticides, reducing their efficiency. The wetting and deposition behavior of liquid pesticides can be improved by adding surfactants to pesticides. Added surfactants affect the spray volume of the pesticide, which can lead to waste and a low utilization rate of the pesticide. It is important to further balance the relationship between deposition and wettability of pesticide liquid on the surfaces of healthy leaves and powdery mildew leaves of cucumber. This study evaluated the deposition and wettability of hexaconazole (Hexa) with surfactants on the surfaces of healthy leaves and powdery mildew leaves of cucumber. The deposition rates of Hexa with surfactants were lower than that of Hexa due to the loss of solution in conventional spray volume (750 L ha ). The deposition rate of Hexa did not necessarily increase with increasing spray volume, anion of surfactants and to lower the dosage of pesticides to increase their efficiency and reduce their application. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry. The equilibrium relationship between deposition rate and wetting parameters was determined to provide guidance for the application of surfactants and to lower the dosage of pesticides to increase their efficiency and reduce their application. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry. Brown rot caused by Monilinia spp. is the most significant disease of stone fruit. New approaches to fruit production have necessitated the development of control strategies that are more eco- and consumer-friendly. An efficient field strategy to control brown rot was previously designed based on the application of two biocontrol agents (BCAs), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CPA-8 (CPA-8) or Penicillium frequentans 909 (Pf909), with calendar-based treatment. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ml792.html In the present study, the strategy was validated on different stone fruit hosts in four producing countries over two seasons. The results obtained were reported according to three different scenarios Scenario 1, in which there was no presence of disease in the field; Scenario 2, in which high disease pressure occurred in the field and treatments (biologicals or chemicals) were not effective; and Scenario 3, with low or medium to high disease presence. The results were successful because, in general, BCA strategies were shown to control brown rot to a similar extent as chemicals strategies. We found that most of the trials conducted in this study were classed under Scenario 3 (62.5%), with only 12.5% and 25% of the trials classed under Scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. These novel findings allowed the formulation of CPA-8 and Pf909 as valuable tools for farmers to produce stone fruits more competitively and meet consumer demand for safer and more environmentally friendly products. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry. These novel findings allowed the formulation of CPA-8 and Pf909 as valuable tools for farmers to produce stone fruits more competitively and meet consumer demand for safer and more environmentally friendly products. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.Human-automation cooperation has become ubiquitous. In this concept, automation refers to autonomous machines, robots, artificial intelligence, and other autonomous nonhuman agents. A human driver will share control of semiautonomous vehicles (semi-AVs) with an automated system and thus share responsibility for crashes caused by semi-AVs. Research has not clarified whether and why people would attribute different levels of blame and responsibility to automation (and its creators) and its human counterpart when each causes an equivalent crash. We conducted four experiments in two studies (total N = 1,045) to measure different responses (e.g., severity and acceptability judgment, blame and responsibility attribution, compensation judgment) to hypothetical crashes that are caused by the human or the automation in semi-AVs. The results provided previously unidentified evidence of a bias, which we called the "blame attribution asymmetry," a tendency that people will judge the automation-caused crash more harshly, ascribe more blame and responsibility to automation and its creators, and think the victim in this crash should be compensated more. This asymmetry arises in part because of the higher negative affect triggered by the automation-caused crash. This bias has a direct policy implication a policy allowing "not-safe enough" semi-AVs on roads could backfire, because these AVs will lead to many traffic crashes, which might in turn produce greater psychological costs and deter more people from adopting them. Other theoretical and policy implications of our findings were also discussed. Interoception is the ability to sense internal bodily changes and research indicates that it may play a role in the development of mental illness. In recent years, preliminary evidence has shown that interoception is impaired in people with psychosis. Interoceptive sensibility, a meta-cognitive aspect of interoception, has never been studied across the psychosis continuum. The present study aimed at assessing interoceptive sensibility in youth with psychotic-like experiences. We invited a sample of young adults (N=609; age 19-21 years) to complete an online survey that included a measure of interoceptive sensibility (the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness-2) and the Community Assessment of Psychotic Experiences-Positive Scale -15 (CAPE-P15). Using the recommended cutoff for the CAPE-P15, the overall sample was divided into two groups (high/low risk for psychosis). Significant group differences were observed in several dimensions of interoceptive sensibility. A logistic regression analysis indicated that scores in the subscales of Not-Distracting, Not-Worrying, Attention-Regulation, Emotional Awareness, Body Listening, and Trusting significantly predicted increased risk for psychosis.