The minimum eligible driving age in Australia is 15 years 9 months, in the Australian Capital Territory, and 16 years elsewhere in the country. Approval to drive mandates appropriate age; completing computer-generated testing; and monitored Graduated Licensing Schemes. The National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020, released by the Australian Transport Council, either has been or is being implemented, including sponsorship of the Australasian College of Road Safety and establishing Cabinet representation for road safety. Factors include driving ability; developmental factors; personality; demographics; general environment; and driving environment. The Graduated Licensing process has counted driver inexperience, but immaturity and peer pressure remain additional considerations. Complementing Graduated Licensing, parental and respected directives and guidance are essential to minimise negative peer pressure. Specific counselling and other targeted interventions may also assist. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or adolescent epilepsy demand appropriate management to facilitate driving in accordance with the AUSTROADS Guidelines. A composite targeted approach is required to deal with adolescent road fatalities and injuries.In New Zealand it is currently lawful for a person who has a mental disorder to receive treatment without their consent at least in part because they are mentally disordered. The Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992 (NZ) provides the power for such people to be detained and to receive compulsory treatment. This approach is inconsistent with international legal instruments to which New Zealand is signatory and, in particular, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This article examines the purported justifications for the current New Zealand law, before rejecting them as indefensible. It then surveys the international legal framework pertaining to