To study the recovery of the upper limb motor function and functional independence in patients with cervical spinal cord injury. The study included 49 patients with subacute tetraplegia, mean age 33±14.8 years, 42 men and 7 women, admitted to the Preodolenie Rehabilitation Center. The follow-up was up to 2 years. The clinical and functional states were assessed after 3, 6, 12 and more than 12 months after spinal injury, using the ASIA neurological standard scale, the motor subscale of Functional Independence Scale (FIM) and short form of Van Lieshout Test (VLT). All patients received continuous rehabilitation courses that included physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social support, psychological rehabilitation. Upper limb motor recovery occurred in the first 6 months after spinal cord injury at 5±3.9 points (ASIA), while in 49% patients motor level decreased by one segment of the spinal cord, in 8% patients completeness of spinal cord injury improved. The improvement of functional independence was found during the first 12 months according to FIM, in the period of 3-6 months by 18±11.1 points, in the period of 6-12 months by 8±8.1 points; according to VLT in the period of 3-6 months by 19±14.4 points, in the period of 6-12 months by 5.6±6.02 points. Upper limb motor recovery mostly occurs in the first 6 months while the functional independence improvement lasts during the first 12 months after a spinal cord injury. Upper limb motor recovery mostly occurs in the first 6 months while the functional independence improvement lasts during the first 12 months after a spinal cord injury. The aim of the study was to study the effect of the drug recognan (citicoline) on the neurodynamic characteristics of mental activity in patients with mild cognitive impairment. A survey of 58 subjects (17 of them male and 41 female) aged 18-45 years (average age 27.2±12.5 years) was conducted. Clinical diagnosis according to ICD-10 «Mild cognitive impairment» (F06.7). The main subgroup included29 people received oral recognan therapy (in solution, 100 mg in 1 ml) for 30 days, with a daily dosage of 500 mg (5 ml of solution). In the control group (29 people) drug therapy was not performed. Tests were used «Graphic sample», the sample on the reciprocal coordination of the hands (Ozeretsky test), test for the compression of fingers, the test «number series». The follow-up period was 30 days. All subjects were examined three times (initially, in the middle of the study - on day 15, at the end of the study - on day 30). The results obtained showed that the use of the drug recognan (citicoline) has a positivh reliable improvement according to the Wilcoxon (p=0.0002), the sample in the compression of the fingers 60%, as well as coordination 60%, the accounting functions in 44%. After a month (30 day) treatment course recomanem there was an increase in indices of samples for the compression of fingers in 71.4% of patients, with significant improvement (p=0.0499) and run the graphical samples of 71.4%, coordination at 46.4%, counting functions - 48% patients. To evaluate an influence of 8-week course of winter nordic walking as the multitask on the spatial-temporal characteristics of walking and motor disturbances in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Eleven patients (3 men and 8 women, mean age 66.82±3.97 years) with Hoehn and Yahr stage 1 to 2 PD were included in the study. Preliminary medical examination, including the anthropometric profile with the calculation of the body mass index (BMI), the grip strength on the right and left sides, spirometry, functional tests with the physical load (orthostatic test with the determination of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DPB) and type of reaction (normal, hypertonic, hypotonic), the 6 Minute Walk Test, timed Up and Go test), was performed to evaluate the physical state. The evaluation of motor function was performed using the unified Parkinson's disease rating scale of the Movement Disorder Society (MDS UPDRS), part III. A 8-week course of nordic walking training was carried out at the certified track on the stadium localized outside of the city, in the wood and parks area in the winter. Compared to the first training, gait velocity increased at the 3 session, the step length at the 6 . The improvement of the spatial-temporal characteristics of walking was accompanied by the improvement of the motor function as measured by MDS UPDRS, part III. Winter nordic walking as multitask is the effective measure of exercise treatment in patients with PD, because it improves the spatial-temporal characteristics of walking and the motor function. Winter nordic walking as multitask is the effective measure of exercise treatment in patients with PD, because it improves the spatial-temporal characteristics of walking and the motor function. To evaluate social, demographic and clinical characteristics of women with schizophrenia and HIV. Medical histories of patients who were in inpatient treatment during 2017 were retrospectively studied. A total of 174 medical histories were analyzed, but the final analysis included 40 HIV-infected patients (main groups) and 48 patients without HIV infection (comparison group). These groups included patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or acute polymorphic psychotic disorder. All patients with HIV infection were examined by a specialist and an immunological analysis was performed. Correlation analysis was performed between quantitative clinical indicators (duration of illness, number of hospitalizations, the number and duration of remissions, etc.) and immunological parameters. Patients with schizophrenia and HIV infection are more often hospitalized and stay in the hospital longer than patients with schizophrenia without HIV infection, which may in part be determined by the social problems of this cohort of patients. There is a relationship between individual indicators of the immune status of the patients, the duration and some features of the course of mental illness. Regular treatment of HIV infection correlates with a lower frequency of hospitalizations in a psychiatric hospital due to an exacerbation of the mental state. Patients with schizophrenia and HIV infection are more often hospitalized and stay in the hospital longer than patients with schizophrenia without HIV infection, which may in part be determined by the social problems of this cohort of patients. There is a relationship between individual indicators of the immune status of the patients, the duration and some features of the course of mental illness. Regular treatment of HIV infection correlates with a lower frequency of hospitalizations in a psychiatric hospital due to an exacerbation of the mental state.