Hypokalemia is closely linked with the pathophysiology of primary aldosteronism (PA). Although hypokalemic PA is less common than the normokalemic course of the disease, hypokalemia is of particular importance for the manifestation and development of comorbidities. Specifically, a growing body of evidence demonstrates that hypokalemia in PA patients is associated with a more severe disease course regarding cardiovascular and metabolic morbidity and mortality. It is also well appreciated that low potassium levels per se can promote or exacerbate hypertension. The spectrum of hypokalemia-related symptoms ranges from asymptomatic courses to life-threatening conditions. Hypokalemia is found in 9-37% of all cases of PA with a predominance in patients with aldosterone producing adenoma. Conversely, hypokalemia resolves in almost 100% of cases after both, specific medical or surgical treatment of the disease. However, to date, high-level evidence about the prevalence of primary aldosteronism in a hypokalemic population is missing. Epidemiological data are expected from the recently launched IPAHK+study ("Incidence of Primary Aldosteronism in Patients with Hypokalemia"). © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.First described in 1955 by Jerome W. Conn, primary aldosteronism (PA) today is well established as a relevant cause of secondary hypertension and accounts for about 5-10 % of hypertensives. The importance of considering PA is based on its deleterious target organ damage far beyond the effect of elevated blood pressure and on PA being a potentially curable form of hypertension. Aside the established contributory role of high dietary salt intake to arterial hypertension and cardiovascular disease, high salt intake is mandatory for aldosterone-mediated deleterious effects on target-organ damage in patients with primary aldosteronism. Consequently, counselling patients on the need to reduce salt intake represents a