d distribution of personal protective equipment based on exposure risk might have prevented increased SARS-CoV-2 transmission among Zambian HCWs.The overuse of antibiotics has led to emergence of antimicrobial resistance, and as a result, antibacterial peptides (ABPs) are receiving significant attention as an alternative. Identification of effective ABPs in lab from natural sources is a cost-intensive and time-consuming process. Therefore, there is a need for the development of in silico models, which can identify novel ABPs in protein sequences for chemical synthesis and testing. In this study, we propose a deep learning classifier named Deep-ABPpred that can identify ABPs in protein sequences. We developed Deep-ABPpred using bidirectional long short-term memory algorithm with amino acid level features from word2vec. The results show that Deep-ABPpred outperforms other state-of-the-art ABP classifiers on both test and independent datasets. Our proposed model achieved the precision of approximately 97 and 94% on test dataset and independent dataset, respectively. The high precision suggests applicability of Deep-ABPpred in proposing novel ABPs for synthesis and experimentation. By utilizing Deep-ABPpred, we identified ABPs in the tail protein sequences of Streptococcus bacteriophages, chemically synthesized identified peptides in lab and tested their activity in vitro. These ABPs showed potent antibacterial activity against selected Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, which confirms the capability of Deep-ABPpred in identifying novel ABPs in protein sequences. Based on the proposed approach, an online prediction server is also developed, which is freely accessible at https//abppred.anvil.app/. This web server takes the protein sequence as input and provides ABPs with high probability (>0.95) as output.Larvae of the black soldier fly (BSF) can be used to convert organic waste into insect biomass for animal feed. In this process, they interact with microorganisms originating from the substrate, the insect and the environment. The substrate is the main determinant of the larval gut microbiota composition, but inoculation of the substrate with egg-associated bacteria can improve larval performance. We aimed to quantify the relative importance of substrate-associated and egg-associated microorganisms in BSF larval performance, bacterial abundance and bacterial community composition, when larvae were fed with chicken feed or chicken manure. For this, we inactivated substrate-associated microorganisms by autoclaving, or disinfected BSF eggs. Larval survival, weight and proportion of prepupae were determined on day 15. We collected substrate and larval samples on days 0 and 15 and performed 16S rRNA gene-targeted qPCR and amplicon sequencing. In both chicken feed and chicken manure, egg disinfection did not cause any difference in larval performance or overall microbiota composition. In contrast, in chicken manure, substrate-associated microorganisms increased larval biomass and sterilizing the substrate caused major shifts in microbiota. Thus, substrate-associated microorganisms impact not only larval microbiota but also larval performance, whereas egg-associated microorganisms have a minor role in the densities present.In aquatic systems, an interplay between bottom-up and top-down processes determines the dynamic of picocyanobacteria (Pcy) abundance and community structure. Here, we analyzed a 10-year time series (sampled fortnightly) from a hypereutrophic turbid shallow lake located within the Pampa Region of South America, generating the first long-term record of freshwater Pcy from the Southern Hemisphere. We used a cytometric approach to study Pcy community, and focused on its relations with nutrient and light conditions (bottom-up) and potential grazers (top-down). A novel Pcy abundance seasonality with winter maximums was observed for years with relatively stable hydrological levels, related with decreased abundance of seasonal rotifers during colder seasons. Pcy showed lower abundance and higher cytometric alpha diversity during summer, probably due to a strong predation exerted by rotifers. In turn, a direct effect of the non-seasonal small cladocerans Bosmina spp. decreased Pcy abundance and induced a shift from single-cell Pcy into aggregated forms. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/cmc-na.html This structuring effect of Bosmina spp. was further confirmed by Pcy cytometric (dis)similarity analyses from the time series and in situ experimental data. Remarkably, Pcy showed acclimatization to underwater light variations, resembling the relevance of light in this turbid system.Two specialized functions of cholesterol during fetal development include serving as a precursor to androgen synthesis and supporting hedgehog (HH) signaling activity. Androgens are produced by the testes to facilitate masculinization of the fetus. Recent evidence shows that intricate interactions between the HH and androgen signaling pathways are required for optimal male sex differentiation and defects of either can cause birth anomalies indicative of 46,XY male variations of sex development (VSD). Further, perturbations in cholesterol synthesis can cause developmental defects, including VSD, that phenocopy those caused by disrupted androgen or HH signaling, highlighting the functional role of cholesterol in promoting male sex differentiation. In this review, we focus on the role of cholesterol in systemic androgen and local HH signaling events during fetal masculinization and their collective contributions to pediatric VSD.Uracil occurs at replication forks via misincorporation of deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP) or via deamination of existing cytosines, which occurs 2-3 orders of magnitude faster in ssDNA than in dsDNA and is 100% miscoding. Tethering of UNG2 to proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) allows rapid post-replicative removal of misincorporated uracil, but potential 'pre-replicative' removal of deaminated cytosines in ssDNA has been questioned since this could mediate mutagenic translesion synthesis and induction of double-strand breaks. Here, we demonstrate that uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG), but not SMUG1 efficiently excises uracil from replication protein A (RPA)-coated ssDNA and that this depends on functional interaction between the flexible winged-helix (WH) domain of RPA2 and the N-terminal RPA-binding helix in UNG. This functional interaction is promoted by mono-ubiquitination and diminished by cell-cycle regulated phosphorylations on UNG. Six other human proteins bind the RPA2-WH domain, all of which are involved in DNA repair and replication fork remodelling.