During the operation of high-energy proton accelerators, the air in the tunnel is activated with the production of radionuclides. For CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source), the first pulsed neutron source in China for multidisciplinary research, an online air activation monitoring system was developed to evaluate the radiation safety of the staff and the public, which consisted of a NaI detector, Pb shielding, an MB container and a control system. With the monitoring system, gamma spectra of the activated air from controlled areas are measured, and the activity concentration and immersion dose rates of radionuclides in air are calculated and displayed in real time. The system has been in stable operation since February 2020, and results have been obtained for the evaluation of the radiation risk from activated air.Advanced nuclear reactor designs and advanced fuel types offer safety features that may reduce environmental consequences in an accident scenario when compared to conventional reactors and fuels. One advanced reactor fuel is tri-structural isotropic (TRISO) fuel particles which are approximately 0.9 mm in diameter. TRISO particle mobility, assuming the particle is unruptured and the encapsulated radionuclides are contained, was explored by a theoretical examination of transport through atmosphere, soil and groundwater, surface water, and non-human biota pathways. TRISO particles are too large and dense to travel in the atmosphere except under extreme conditions. TRISO particles are also too large to penetrate most soil profiles and so cannot be transported to or by groundwater. TRISO particles will settle out of the water column in surface waters and thus the transport will depend on the energy of the water body (e.g., waves or floods). TRISO particles could be transported by non-human biota. The size of TRISO particles could allow them to be intentionally ingested by non-human biota as a gastrolith or mimi