Large Schottky barrier at the electric contact interface drastically hinders the performance of two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor devices, because of which it is crucial to develop better methods to achieve the ohmic contact. Recently, a new field effect transistor (FET) device was constructed by the popular 2D channel material MoS2 and an electrode material borophene was detected theoretically, but the large Schottky barrier still existed. Hence, we used surface functional groups modification on the borophene surface to regulate this Schottky barrier, based on ab initio electronic structure calculations and quantum transport simulations. Our study shows that this method makes it possible to obtain tunable metal work functions in a wide range, and the ohmic contact can still be realized. Although van der Waals (vdW) contacts were observed at all the interfaces between the 2D borophene-based metals and the monolayer MoS2, the Fermi level pinning (FLP) effect was still obvious, and existed in our proposed system with the ohmic contact. Moreover, we also discuss the origin of the FLP with varying degrees. It was found that the interface dipole and metal-induced gap states (MIGS) would be responsible for the FLP of vertical and lateral directions, respectively. More precisely, we find that the size of MIGS is dependent on the relative orientation between the functional group and metal-MoS2 interface. This work not only suggests that surface functional group modification is effective in forming ohmic contact with MoS2, but also holds some implication in the fundamental research on metal-semiconductor contacts with the vdW type.Small molecules such as H2, N2, CO, NH3, O2 are ubiquitous stable species and their activation and role in the formation of value-added products are of fundamental importance in nature and industry. The last few decades have witnessed significant advances in the chemistry of heavy low-coordinate main-group elements, with a plethora of newly synthesised functional compounds, behaving like transition-metal complexes with respect to facile activation of such small molecules. Among them, silylenes have received particular attention in this vivid area of research showing even metal-free bond activation and catalysis. Recent striking discoveries in the chemistry of silylenes take advantage of narrow HOMO-LUMO energy gap and Lewis acid-base bifunctionality of divalent Si centres. The review is devoted to recent advances of using isolable silylenes and corresponding silylene-metal complexes for the activation of fundamental but inert molecules such as H2, COx, N2O, O2, H2O, NH3, C2H4 and E4 (E = P, As).Correction for 'A tropylium annulated N-heterocyclic carbene' by Sebastian Appel et al., Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 9020-9023, DOI .Correction for 'Cell lysis via acoustically oscillating sharp edges' by Zeyu Wang et al., Lab Chip, 2019, 19, 4021-4032, DOI .A DNA immobilization-free ECL aptasensor was developed for the detection of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxygunosine based on the diffusion mediated ECL quenching effect. This ECL aptasensor exhibited a high sensitivity and low detection limit by combining homogeneous DNA reaction with dual signal amplifications target-induced multi-DNA release and Exo I-assisted target recycling.Strontium titanate, SrTiO3, with the perovskite ABO3 structure is known as one of the most efficient photocatalyst materials for the overall water splitting reaction. Doping with appropriate metal cations at the A site or at the B site substantially increases the quantum yield to split water into H2 and O2. The site occupied by the guest dopant in the SrTiO3 host thus plays a key role in dictating the water splitting activity. However, little is known about the detailed structure of the dopant site in the host lattice. In this study, the local structure of In3+ cations, which were shown to improve the water splitting activity of SrTiO3, is investigated with X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The In3+ cations exclusively substitute for Ti4+ cations at the B site to form InO6 octahedra. Further optical experiments using UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and DFT calculations of the density of states indicate that the substitution of In3+ for Ti4+ does not alter the band structure and bandgap energy (remaining at 3.2 eV). The mechanism underlying the increased water splitting activity is discussed in relation to occupation of the B site by In3+ cations.Correction for 'Separating extracellular vesicles and lipoproteins via acoustofluidics' by Mengxi Wu et al., Lab Chip, 2019, 19, 1174-1182, DOI .The exploration of heavy main-group radicals is rapidly expanding, for which electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic characterisation plays a key role. EPR spectroscopy has the capacity to deliver information of the radical's electronic, geometric and bonding structure. Herein, foundations of electron-nuclear hyperfine analysis are detailed before reviewing more recent applications of EPR spectroscopy to As, Sb, and Bi centred radicals. Additional diverse examples of the application of EPR spectroscopy to other heavy main group radicals are highlighted.Glutamine gets transformed to 2-hydroxy-5-oxoproline with NH4VO3 in a neutral solution as a product of 2,2'-bipyridine oxidovanadium(v) 2-hydroxy-5-oxoproline [VV2O3(hop)2(bpy)2]·7H2O [1, H2hop = 2-hydroxy-5-oxoproline] with yields of 65.6%. Similarly, histidine and arginine are converted into the corresponding α-hydroxycarboxylates as 2,2'-bipyridine oxidovanadium(iv) 3-(1H-imidazolyl-5-yl)-2-hydroxyacrylate [VIV2O2(imha)2(bpy)2]·bpy [2, H2imha = 3-(1H-imidazolyl-5-yl)-2-hydroxyacrylic acid] and guanidinium oxidovanadium(v) 1-(aminoiminomethyl)-2-hydroxyproline (CN3H6)[VVO2(Haimhp)2]·2H2O [3, H2aimhp = 1-(aminoiminomethyl)-2-hydroxyproline] with V2O5 in low yields respectively, where an aggregate of oxidovanadium(v) arginine (H2arg)n(VVO3)n·½nH2O (4, Harg = arginine) has been isolated preferentially in an initial experiment for 3. α-Hydroxycarboxylates chelate bidentately with vanadium viaα-alkoxy and α-carboxy groups in 1-3, as observed from structural analyses. Their racemizations have been observed after the conversions.