73, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.28, 2.32), NICU or stepdown stay (RR 1.64, CI 1.17, 2.31), and extended hospitalization (RR 1.66, CI 1.28, 2.16). Associations between housing insecurity and infant fair or poor health (RR 2.62, CI 0.91, 7.48) and poor temperament (RR 1.52, CI 0.98, 2.34) were not statistically significant. PAF estimates ranged from 0.9-2.7%, suggesting that up to three percent of adverse birth and infant outcomes could be avoided by eliminating severe housing insecurity among low-income, pregnant women in US cities. Conclusions Results suggest that housing insecurity during pregnancy shapes neonatal and infant health in disadvantaged urban families.Two newly discovered bacteriophages, isolated from chicken feces and infecting Salmonella enterica strains, are described in this report. These phages have been named vB_Sen-TO17 and vB_Sen-E22, and we present their molecular and functional characterization. Both studied viruses are able to infect several S. enterica strains and develop lytically, but their specific host ranges differ significantly. Electron microscopic analyses of virions have been performed, and full genome sequences were determined and characterized, along with molecular phylogenetic studies. Genomes of vB_Sen-TO17 (ds DNA of 41,658 bp) and vB_Sen-E22 (dsDNA of 108,987 bp) are devoid of homologs of any known or putative gene coding for toxins or any other proteins potentially deleterious for eukaryotic cells. Both phages adsorbed efficiently (>95% adsorbed virions) within 10 min at 42 °C (resembling chicken body temperature) on cells of most tested host strains. Kinetics of lytic development of vB_Sen-TO17 and vB_Sen-E22, determined in one-step growth experiments, indicated that development is complete within 30-40 min at 42 °C, whereas burst sizes vary from 9 to 79 progeny phages per cell for vB_Sen-TO17 and from 18 to 64 for vB_Sen-E22, depending on the host strain. Virions of both phages were relatively stable (from several percent to almost 100% survivability) under various conditions, including acidic and alkaline pH values (from 3 to 12), temperatures from -80 °C to 60 °C, 70% ethanol, chloroform, and 10% DMSO. These characteristics of vB_Sen-TO17 and vB_Sen-E22 indicate that these phages might be considered in further studies on phage therapy, particularly in attempts to eliminate S. enterica from chicken intestine.In recent decades, many studies on the treatment and prevention of pancreatic cancer have been conducted. However, pancreatic cancer remains incurable, with a high mortality rate. Although mouse models have been widely used for preclinical pancreatic cancer research, these models have many differences from humans. Therefore, large animals may be more useful for the investigation of pancreatic cancer. Pigs have recently emerged as a new model of pancreatic cancer due to their similarities to humans, but no pig pancreatic cancer cell lines have been established for use in drug screening or analysis of tumor biology. Here, we established and characterized an immortalized miniature pig pancreatic cell line derived from primary pancreatic cells and pancreatic cancer-like cells expressing K-rasG12D regulated by the human PTF1A promoter. Using this immortalized cell line, we analyzed the gene expression and phenotypes associated with cancer cell characteristics. Notably, we found that acinar-to-ductal transition was caused by K-rasG12D in the cell line constructed from acinar cells. This may constitute a good research model for the analysis of acinar-to-ductal metaplasia in human pancreatic cancer.Despite the fact that cancer patients seem to be at a higher risk of being infected with SARS-CoV-2, limited data are available in the pediatric oncology setting. A systematic rapid review was conducted to analyze scientific literature regarding the management, interventions, and strategies adopted to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the pediatric cancer population. Our search on PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane, and EMBASE databases yielded 505 articles. After removing duplicates, 21 articles were included. Articles focused on infection prevention (n = 19; 90.5%), management (n = 18; 85.7%), overall management of specific treatments for cancer (n = 13; 61.9%), and education (n = 7; 33.3%). The interventions adopted to prevent the spread of COVID-19 were similar across organizations and in line with general recommendations. Most of them reported interventions that could be used as valid strategies for similar emergencies. The strategies included limiting the risk of contagion by restricting access to the wards and implementing hygiene measures, the identification of separate pathways for the management of patients suspected or confirmed to be infected with COVID-19, the postponement of people accessing the hospital for non-urgent or unnecessary tests or medical examinations, and the preventive screening of patients before chemotherapy treatment or transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. It is necessary to identify key indicators in order to better evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions implemented over time. A summary of the recommendations is provided.This four-year study reports the occurrence of ergot alkaloids (EAs) in cereals intended for animal feeding collected in Slovenia. A total of 517 samples of cereals were analysed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the presence of EAs. The sample set included wheat, rye, triticale, oat, spelt and barley. The study revealed that 17% of the analysed cereal samples were contaminated with at least one ergot alkaloid. EAs have two epimeric forms -ine and -inine. The incidence rates of the -ine and -inine forms in the analysed samples were 16% and 15%, respectively. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/colcemid.html The highest contamination rates were observed in rye (54%), oat (50%) and spelt (30%), where the highest mean concentrations of total EAs were also determined (502 µg/kg, 594 µg/kg and 715 µg/kg, respectively). However, the highest concentrations of total EAs were found in wheat and rye (4217 µg/kg and 4114 µg/kg, respectively). The predominant EAs were ergometrine, ergosine and ergocristinine. The occurrence of six or more ergot alkaloids was observed in 49% of the positive samples.