What You Should Know Before Making a Macaw Purchase Macaws can be expensive. It's important to budget for both the initial setup and ongoing maintenance. You should also consider saving a bird rather than purchasing one from a pet store or breeder. Bulk purchases can help you save money on monthly supplies. Also look for second-hand items like cages and toys. Purchase from a reputable breeder Macaws can bring you a lot of joy. They are beautiful and intelligent creatures. But they are also a responsibility and you must be prepared to dedicate yourself to them for their entire lives. To make sure that you can care for your new pet, it's best to purchase an animal from a reputable breeder or from a rescue organization. This will give you a better chance of getting a healthy bird that is well-adjusted to living with other animals and humans. Furthermore, a reliable breeder will have a solid track record and stand by the quality of their birds. If considering purchasing a macaw from reputable breeders choose those who prioritize the health and welfare of their birds. They'll be able give you more precise information regarding the temperament and personality of the bird, as well its overall quality. They can also provide various enrichment activities that can help your bird keep active physically and mentally. You'll receive a start-up kit that contains everything you need for your new bird. It will also include an air travel bag. Another crucial aspect to consider is the age of the bird you wish to buy. Younger birds are more comfortable and quicker to train and tame, and they adapt better to new environments. Macaws who are younger are more energetic and playful than older macaws. They may be more susceptible to stress and depression. A reputable macaw breeding company will also be focused on providing a stimulating and natural habitat for their macaws. They'll design enclosures