5% of fully deconvoluted pools with an N1 or N2 target CT of ≤30 identified a positive individual using the BinaxNOW test performed 1 to 3 days later. However, of 124 positive pools with full reflex testing data available for analysis, 32 (25.8%) of BinaxNOW pool deconvolution testing attempts did not identify a positive individual, requiring additional reflex testing. With sufficient staffing support and low pool positivity rates, pooled sample collection and reflex testing were feasible for schools. These early program findings confirm that screening for K-12 students and staff is achievable at scale with a scheme that incorporates in-school pooling, primary testing by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR), and Ag RDT reflex/deconvolution testing.Noncanonical poly(A) polymerases PAPD5 and PAPD7 (PAPD5/7) stabilize HBV RNA via the interaction with the viral post-transcriptional regulatory element (PRE), representing new antiviral targets to control HBV RNA metabolism, HBsAg production and viral replication. Inhibitors targeting these proteins are being developed as antiviral therapies, therefore it is important to understand how PAPD5/7 coordinate to stabilize HBV RNA. Here, we utilized a potent small-molecule AB-452 as a chemical probe, along with genetic analyses to dissect the individual roles of PAPD5/7 in HBV RNA stability. AB-452 inhibits PAPD5/7 enzymatic activities and reduces HBsAg both in vitro (EC50 ranged from 1.4 to 6.8 nM) and in vivo by 0.93 log10. Our genetic studies demonstrate that the stem-loop alpha sequence within PRE is essential for both maintaining HBV poly(A) tail integrity and determining sensitivity towards the inhibitory effect of AB-452. Although neither single knock-out (KO) of PAPD5 nor PAPD7 reduces HBsAg RNA and proteing technologies, small-molecule compounds targeting host factors such as the noncanonical poly(A) polymerase PAPD5 and PAPD7 have been reported to interfere with HBV RNA metabolism. Herein, our antiviral and genetic studies using relevant HBV infection and replication models further characterize the interplays between the cis-element within the viral sequence and the trans-elements from the host factors. PAPD5/7 targeting inhibitors, with oral bioavailability, thus represent an opportunity to reduce HBsAg through destabilizing HBV RNA.Since 2003, various viruses from the subfamily Megavirinae in the family Mimiviridae have been isolated worldwide, including icosahedral mimiviruses and tailed tupanviruses. To date, the evolutionary relationship between tailed and non-tailed mimiviruses has not yet been elucidated. Here, we present the genomic and morphological features of a newly isolated giant virus, Cotonvirus japonicus (cotonvirus), belonging to the family Mimiviridae. It contains a linear double-stranded DNA molecule of 1.47 Mb, the largest among the reported viruses in the subfamily Megavirinae, excluding tupanviruses. Among its 1,306 predicted open reading frames, 1,149 (88.0%) were homologous to those of the family Mimiviridae. Several nucleocytoplasmic large DNA virus (NCLDV) core genes, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes, and the host specificity of cotonvirus were highly similar to those of Mimiviridae lineages A, B, and C; however, lineage A was slightly closer to cotonvirus than to the others. Moreover, based on its genome size, thuses, rather than the A, B, or C lineages, and other genomic features and host specificity of cotonvirus are similar to those of the latter than the former. These results suggest that cotonvirus is a unique virus, with chimeric features of existing viruses of Megavirinae and uses Golgi apparatus-like vesicles of the host cells for virion factory (VF) formation. Thus, cotonvirus can provide novel insights into the evolution of mimiviruses and the underlying mechanisms of VF formation.K1 capsule-specific phages of Escherichia coli have been reported in recent years, but the molecular mechanism involved in host recognition of these phages remains unknown. In this study, the interactions between PNJ1809-36, a new K1-specific phage and its host bacteria E. coli DE058, were investigated. A transposon mutation library was used to screen for receptor-related genes. Gene deletion, lysis curve determination, plaque formation test, adsorption assay and inhibition assay of phage by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) showed that capsular polysaccharide (CPS) was the first receptor for the initial adsorption of PNJ1809-36 to E. coli DE058 and LPS was a secondary receptor for the irreversible binding of the phage. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/bozitinib.html The penultimate galactose in the outer core was identified as the specific binding region on LPS. Through antibody blocking assay, fluorescence labeling and high-performance gel permeation chromatography (HPGPC), the tail protein ORF261 of phage PNJ1809-36 was identified as the receptor binding protein on CPS. Given these findings, we propose a model for the recognition process of phage PNJ1809-36 on E. coli DE058 The phage PNJ1809-36 tail protein ORF261 recognizes and adsorbs to the K1 capsule; then the K1 capsule is partially degraded, exposing the active site of LPS which is recognized by phage PNJ1809-36. This model provides insight into the molecular mechanisms between K1-specific phages and their host bacteria. IMPORTANCE It has been speculated that CPS is the main receptor of K1-specific phages belonging to Siphoviridae. In recent years, a new type of K1-specific phage belonging to Myoviridae has been reported, but its host recognition mechanisms remain unknown. Here, we studied the interactions between PNJ1809-36, a new type of K1 phage, and its host bacteria E. coli DE058. Our research showed that the phage initially adsorbed to the K1 capsule mediated by ORF261 and then bound to the penultimate galactose of LPS to begin the infection process.While it is well established that microtubules (MTs) facilitate various stages of virus replication, how viruses actively control MT dynamics and functions remains less-well understood. Recent work has begun to reveal how several viruses exploit End-Binding (EB) proteins and their associated microtubule plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs), in particular to enable loading of viral particles onto MTs for retrograde transport during early stages of infection. But distinct from other viruses studied to date, at mid-to-late stages of its unusually protracted replication cycle human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) increases the expression of all three EB family members. This occurs coincident with the formation of a unique structure termed the Assembly Compartment (AC), which serves as a Golgi-derived MT organizing center. Together, the AC and distinct EB proteins enable HCMV to increase the formation of dynamic and acetylated microtubule subsets to regulate distinct aspects of the viral replication cycle. Here, we reveal that HCMV also exploits EB-independent +TIP pathways by specifically increasing the expression of Transforming Acidic Coiled Coil protein 3 (TACC3) to recruit the MT polymerase, chTOG from initial sites of MT nucleation in the AC out into the cytosol, thereby increasing dynamic MT growth.