Checkpoint signaling in the context of a functional DNA damage response is crucial for the prevention of oncogenic transformation of cells. Our immune system, though, takes the risk of attenuated checkpoint responses during immunoglobulin diversification. B cells undergo continuous DNA damage and error-prone repair of their immunoglobulin genes during the process of somatic hypermutation. An accompanying attenuation of the DNA damage response via the ATR-Chk1 axis in B cells is believed to allow for a better DNA damage tolerance and for evasion of apoptosis, so as to ensure mutations to be passed on. We sought to determine whether the downregulation of Chk1 could also directly influence the process of hypermutation in vivo by altering the relative activity of error-prone DNA repair pathways. We analyzed the humoral response and the hypermutation process in mice whose B cells express reduced levels of the Chk1 protein. We found that Chk1 heterozygosity limits the accumulation of mutations in the immunoglobulin loci, likely by impacting on the survival of B cells as they accumulate DNA damage. Nevertheless, we unveiled an unanticipated role for Chk1 downregulation in favoring A/T mutagenesis at the antibody-variable regions during hypermutation. Even though immunoglobulin mutagenesis was found to be reduced, Chk1 signaling attenuation allows for sustained mutagenesis outside the immunoglobulin loci. Our study thus reveals that a proper Chk1 dosage is crucial for adequate somatic hypermutation in B cells. Hypertension cure following adrenalectomy in unilateral primary aldosteronism is not guaranteed. Its likelihood is associated with pre-operative parameters, which have been variably combined in six different predictive scoring systems. The relative performance of these systems is currently unknown. The objective of this work was to identify the best performing scoring system for predicting hypertension cure following adrenalectomy for primary aldosteronism. Retrospective analysis in a single tertiary referral centre. Eighty-seven adult patients with unilateral primary aldosteronism who had undergone adrenalectomy between 2004 and 2018 for whom complete data sets were available to calculate all scoring systems. Prediction of hypertension cure by each of the six scoring systems. Hypertension cure was achieved in 36/87 (41.4%) patients within the first post-operative year, which fell to 18/71 (25.4%) patients at final follow-up (median 53months, P=.002). Analysis of receiver operating characteristic area under the curves for the different scoring systems identified a difference in performance at early, but not late, follow-up. For all systems, the area under the curve was lower at early compared with late follow-up and compared to performance in the cohorts in which they were originally defined. No single scoring system performed significantly better than all others when applied in our cohort, although two did display particular advantages. It remains to be determined how best such scoring systems can be incorporated into the routine clinical care of patients with PA. No single scoring system performed significantly better than all others when applied in our cohort, although two did display particular advantages. It remains to be determined how best such scoring systems can be incorporated into the routine clinical care of patients with PA.Though it is widely believed that chronic immunosuppressive medications increase the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) illness, there is little data to support this. We performed a retrospective study of COVID-19 positive patients diagnosed at a single academic medical center between March 10, 2020 and October 13, 2020. A total of 835 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction were included (median age 64 years; 52% female). Of these, 46 (5.5%) had a prescription for an immunosuppressive therapy before diagnosis, most commonly oral steroids (20, 43%), mycophenolate (12, 26%), or tacrolimus (11, 24%). Patients on immunosuppressive therapy with COVID-19 had increased mortality (30% vs. 17%, pā€‰=ā€‰0.036; odds ratio 2.1, 95% confidence interval 1.11-4.04), which remained significant (pā€‰=ā€‰0.040) after performing multivariate logistic regression controlling for gender, age, race, and comorbidity status. Laboratory markers of inflammation were uniformly elevated in both patients on or not on immunosuppressive therapies who died, but lymphocytes and neutrophils were decreased in both COVID-19 patients on immunosuppressive therapies who died and who remained alive. These findings demonstrate that COVID-19 disease is more severe in patients taking prior immunosuppressive medications. This finding emphasizes the need for aggressive monitoring and supportive care for immunosuppressed patients who are diagnosed with COVID-19. The progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is critical to treatment decisions in clinical practice. The disease can be classified into four categories namely, drusen, inactive choroidal neovascularization (CNV), active CNV, and normal, according to severity based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. Interpreting numerous OCT images is still time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially for the detection of the CNV activity. To address this problem, we developed a deep learning (DL) system based on OCT images, with the assistance of an attention mechanism, to automatically diagnose AMD. A public dataset (total 51,140 OCT images) and a private dataset (total 4,951 OCT images) were utilized as a training dataset and a clinical validation dataset, respectively, to develop the DL model. A ResNet-34 DL model, with convolutional block attention module (CBAM) block integrated into each unit, was pre-trained on the public dataset first and then finetuned on our private dataset to automaticing and attention mechanism improve the performance of our model in a distinct dataset. Our model successfully assisted in the diagnosis of AMD and achieved a detection precision and recall equal to those of ophthalmologists. The results of our study could contribute to the precise diagnosis of and decision-making regarding AMD.