Well as a jewish person in general I have to call out the squad and AOC. Anyways, AOC is racist because she is anti Semitic: AOC spreads vicious lies on all social media platforms not only against Israel but Jewish people in general. She champions and advocates for anti Semitic bills in the house. She refuses to meet or even acknowledge the Jewish population in her district and attend a New York memorial for 25th anniversary of the assassination of arguably the leftist Israeli Prime Minister who was so close to peace. Instead of doing these things to represent her district AOC and the squad engage in antisemitism on a daily basis by meeting with anti zionists, and posting propaganda. Here are a few examples: Supporting BDS which in itself is a propaganda filled organization which has links to terror organizations and intimidates not only Israel but Jewish people in public places. Saying Jewish people bribe the government. This is what hitler said in the 1930’s. Calling Israel an apartheid state when the Arab party is the third largest in the Israeli parliament and Arabs and Palestinans have more rights in Israel than other countries who have have expelled them like Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. (There would have been peace long ago if their leadership wasn’t corrupt) There are more examples. As a person who fits himself to the centre-left on the politial spectrum and I achknoledge that it is okay to critize the Israeli Government (I support the leader of the oppositions party so I critize them them too) but what AOC and the squad do should be called out just like how we all called Trump out for White Supremacism.