What You Should Know Before Making a Macaw Purchase Macaws can be expensive. It's important to budget for the initial setup and ongoing care. You may also want to think about rescuing an animal instead of purchasing one from a pet store or breeder. Bulk purchases can help you save money on monthly purchases. Also, consider buying second-hand items like cages and toys, as well as other items. Purchase from a trusted breeder Macaws are stunning and intelligent animals that can bring lots of joy into your life. It is important to be prepared to take care of them throughout their lives. If you want to ensure that your new macaw will be well-cared for, it's best to adopt or purchase from a reputable rescue organisation. You will have a greater chance of getting an animal that is healthy and well-adapted to living with humans and other animals. A reputable breeder will have a solid track record and be confident in the quality of their birds. If you're planning to purchase a macaw from reputable breeders Look for breeders who prioritize the health and welfare of their birds. They'll give more accurate information about the bird's temperament and personality and overall quality. They can also provide various enrichment activities that can aid your bird to keep active physically and mentally. You'll receive a start-up kit that contains everything you'll need to get your new bird. It will also include the travel carrier. The age of the bird you are looking to purchase is also crucial. Younger birds are more easy to handle and train and adapt more quickly to new situations and environments. Macaws that are younger tend to be more active and playful than older birds, which are more susceptible to stress and depression. A reputable macaw breeding company will also be focused on creating a stimulating and natural habitat for their birds. They'll design enclosures that are reminiscent of the habitats of the birds and provide interactive toys to keep them sti