How to Choose the Best Fridges for Your Budget Your spending plan will determine which brand names you can pay for, however even within your price variety you'll discover differences in quality and features. Try to find clever fridges that focus on quiet operation and offer noise-dampening innovation. Be careful of fridges with ice dispensers or through-the-door water connections. They are the most common "points of failure" and tend to require repairs or replacement more often. Maytag When it comes to durable, trustworthy appliances that are constructed to last, Maytag is a name you can rely on. With a broad choice of refrigerators to choose from, including side-by-side and French door models, there's sure to be a design that fits your cooking area style and storage needs. In addition to providing a lot of room for all your food and drinks, Maytag refrigerators also come with innovative functions like gallon door storage for large products and humidity-controlled drawers that keep fruits and vegetables fresher longer. In an indication of renewed confidence, Maytag invested record amounts in 1996 in updating its home appliance lines, particularly washing machines and refrigerators. The company re-branded its lower-priced washers as Performa, and leapt on the high-efficiency front-loading washer bandwagon with the 1997 debut of its Neptune line. Maytag also revamped its refrigerator lineup with a three-year, $180 million financial investment, and added brand-new freezers to the mix by acquiring Montgomery Ward & & Co's Admiral brand (obtained together with Magic Chef in 1986) and Norge appliances. The diversity of the Maytag Company was planned to help it increase sales in both the new-home market and the larger replacement market, where companies make quotes to designers based on kitchen plans rather than individual parts. In a