Malignant melanoma (MM) is one of the deadliest types of skin cancer. Analysing dermatoscopic images plays an important role in the early detection of MM and other pigmented skin lesions. Among different computer-based methods, deep learning-based approaches and in particular convolutional neural networks have shown excellent classification and segmentation performances for dermatoscopic skin lesion images. These models can be trained end-to-end without requiring any hand-crafted features. However, the effect of using lesion segmentation information on classification performance has remained an open question. In this study, we explicitly investigated the impact of using skin lesion segmentation masks on the performance of dermatoscopic image classification. To do this, first, we developed a baseline classifier as the reference model without using any segmentation masks. Then, we used either manually or automatically created segmentation masks in both training and test phases in different scenarios and invr dilated cropping), there is no significant difference of using manually or automatically created segmentation masks. We systematically explored the effects of using image segmentation on the performance of dermatoscopic skin lesion classification. We systematically explored the effects of using image segmentation on the performance of dermatoscopic skin lesion classification. Surface electromyography (sEMG) has been used for robotic rehabilitation engineering for volitional control of hand prostheses or elbow exoskeleton, however, using sEMG for volitional control of an upper limb exoskeleton has not been perfectly developed. The long-term goal of our study is to process shoulder muscle bio-electrical signals for rehabilitative robotic assistive device motion control. The purposes of this study included 1) to test the feasibility of machine learning algorithms in shoulder motion pattern recognition using sEMG signals from shoulder and upper limb muscles, 2) to investigate the influence of motion speed, individual variability, EMG recording device, and the amount of EMG datasets on the shoulder motion pattern recognition accuracy. A novel convolutional neural network (CNN) structure was constructed to process EMG signals from 12 muscles for the pattern recognition of upper arm motions including resting, drinking, backward-forward motion, and abduction motion. The accuracy of thacy. Validation and verification are the critical requirements for the knowledge acquisition method of the clinical decision support system (CDSS). After acquiring the medical knowledge from diverse sources, the rigorous validation and formal verification process are required before creating the final knowledge model. Previously, we have proposed a hybrid knowledge acquisition method with the support of a rigorous validation process for acquiring medical knowledge from clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and patient data for the treatment of oral cavity cancer. However, due to lack of formal verification process, it involves various inconsistencies in knowledge relevant to the formalism of knowledge, conformance to CPGs, quality of knowledge, and complexities of knowledge acquisition artifacts. This paper presents the refined knowledge acquisition (ReKA) method, which uses the Z formal verification process. The ReKA method adopts the verification method and explores the mechanism of theorem proving using the Zw quality, non-conformed from standard CPGs. ReKA refined the hybrid knowledge acquisition method by discovering the missing steps in the current validation process at the acquisition stage. As a formally proven method, it always yields a valid knowledge model having high quality, supporting local practices, and influenced by standard CPGs. Furthermore, the final knowledge model obtained from ReKA also preserves the performance such as the accuracy of the individual source knowledge models. ReKA refined the hybrid knowledge acquisition method by discovering the missing steps in the current validation process at the acquisition stage. As a formally proven method, it always yields a valid knowledge model having high quality, supporting local practices, and influenced by standard CPGs. Furthermore, the final knowledge model obtained from ReKA also preserves the performance such as the accuracy of the individual source knowledge models. In recent years, deep learning algorithms have created a massive impact on addressing research challenges in different domains. The medical field also greatly benefits from the use of improving deep learning models which save time and produce accurate results. This research aims to emphasize the impact of deep learning models in brain stroke detection and lesion segmentation. This is achieved by discussing the state of the art approaches proposed by the recent works in this field. In this study, the advancements in stroke lesion detection and segmentation were focused. The survey analyses 113 research papers published in different academic research databases. The research articles have been filtered out based on specific criteria to obtain the most prominent insights related to stroke lesion detection and segmentation. The features of the stroke lesion vary based on the type of imaging modality. To develop an effective method for stroke lesion detection, the features need to be carefully extracted from roke detection. It could support the bio-medical researchers to propose better solutions for stroke lesion detection.Habitat mapping is essential for the management and conservation of coastal marine habitats. However, accurate and up-to-date habitat maps are rarely available for the marine realm. In this study, we mapped the coastal marine habitats of >400 km of coastline in the north-western United Arab Emirates (UAE) using a combination of data sources including remote sensing, extensive ground-truthing points, local expert knowledge and existing information. We delineated 17 habitats, including critical habitats for marine biodiversity such as coral reefs and mangroves, and previously unreported oyster beds and deep seagrasses. This innovative approach was able to produce a coastal marine habitat map with an overall accuracy of 77%. The approach allowed for the production of a spatial tool well-suited for the needs of environmental management and conservation in a previously data-deficient area of the United Arab Emirates.