By comparing the total annual cost of the sewage treatment plants and the associated pumping station pipe network corresponding to different pipeline economic lifetimes, the optimal solution that generates the minimum total annual cost can be identified. The sewage treatment plant and pumping station pipe network in Taizhou, China, was used as an example to compare and analyze optimization results. The new optimization method would have produced much lower annual cost than that of the existing system. This study provides valuable theoretical references for probing the layout design of urban sewage treatment plants corresponding to different pipeline economic lifetimes.A growing literature indicates that untreated wastewater from leaky sewers stands among major sources of pollution to water resources of urban systems. Despite that, the quantification and allocation of sewer exfiltration are often restricted to major pipe areas where inspection data are available. In large-scale urban models, the emission from sewer exfiltration is either neglected (particularly from private sewers) or represented by simplified fixed values, and as such its contribution to the overall urban emission remains questionable. This study proposes an extended model framework which incorporates sewer exfiltration pathway in the catchment model for a better justified pollution control and management of urban systems at a nationwide scale. Nutrient emission from urban areas is quantified by means of the Modelling of Nutrient Emissions in River Systems (MONERIS) model. Exfiltration is estimated for public and private sewers of different age groups in Germany using the verified methods at local to city er pipes in public and private sewer systems. The proposed model framework, which incorporates important factors for urban sewer managers, will allow further targeting the important data need for validating the approach at the regional and loca