Postoperative NT-proBNP can serve as an objective marker of the severity of postoperative myocardial dysfunction. Due to overlap in individuals, NT-proBNP is useful mainly for comparisons at cohort level. As such, it provides a tool for study purposes when an unbiased assessment of prevention or treatment of PHF is desirable. Identifier NCT00489827 https// . Identifier NCT00489827 https// . The Arab region is highly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Local governments have already started to act against the disease. However, only a few countries provided COVID-19 vaccination. Compliance with vaccination is a major topic affecting proper coverage. Thus, we aim to explore vaccine acceptance among Arab populations, and compare it with the global numbers. Aninternet-based survey using social media platforms was conducted, targeting adults who wereable to read and understand Arabic, had access to the internet, and from all 22 Arab league countries. Due to the response rate variation between participants, the countries were grouped into four categories based on their income Low income, Lower-middle income, Upper-middle income, and High-income economies. Data about demographics, previous COVID-19 infection, andvaccine acceptance tendency were collected and analyzed using Chi-squared (χ2) test and Logistic regression. A total of 870 participants completed the survey. 59.3% of the participants werecient immunization. Cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychotropic compound from Cannabis sativa, shows positive results on controlling several health disturbances; however, comparable data regarding additional chemical from C. sativa, such as cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), is scarce due to its instability. To address this limitation, a stable CBDA analogue, CBDA methyl ester (HU-580), was synthetized and showed CBDA-like effects. Recently, we described that HU-580 increased wakefulness and wake-related neurochemicals. To extend the comprehension of HU-580´s properties on waking, the c-Fos and NeuN expression in a wake-linked brain area, the hypothalamus was evaluated. c-Fos and NeuN expression in hypothalamic sections were analyzed after the injections of HU-580 (0.1 or 100μg/kg, i.p.). Systemic administrations of HU-580 increased c-Fos and neuronal nuclei (NeuN) expression in hypothalamic nuclei, including the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus dorsal part, dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus compact part, and dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus ventral part. HU-580 increased c-Fos and NeuN immunoreactivity in hypothalamus nuclei suggesting that this drug might modulate the sleep-wake cycle by engaging the hypothalamus. HU-580 increased c-Fos and NeuN immunoreactivity in hypothalamus nuclei suggesting that this drug might modulate the sleep-wake cycle by engaging the hypothalamus. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of vitamin K (VK) supplementation on bone health of laying hens challenged by Salmonella Enteritidis. A total of 80 32-week-old double negative salmonella-free brown-egg laying hens were randomly assigned to 4 treatments with 20 replicates each (1 bird per replicate) according to a 2 × 2 factorial design with 2 dietary VK supplementation levels [0 mg/kg (VK0) vs 2 mg/kg VK (VK2) and 2 challenge treatments [Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) vs physiological saline solution (PS)]. During the last 3 days of week 43 of age, birds of both VK treatments were either orally challenged with 1.0 mL suspension of 10  cfu/mL S. Enteritidis daily or received the same volume of PS. The laying rate, daily egg mass, tibia strength, CT, cOC and cOC/(cOC + ucOC) of VK2 treatment increased (P< 0.05) in contrast to VK0, however, the medullary area and ucOC of VK2 treatment decreased (P< 0.05) in contrast to VK0. Mortality, medullary area, serum Ca content of SE treatments increased (P< 0.05) in contrast to PS treatments. In both SE treatments, the decrease (P< 0.05) in birds' tibia strength was associated with higher (P< 0.05) Ca levels in serum. There is an interaction (P< 0.05) between SE challenge and VK levels with regard to tibia strength and serum Ca levels. At week 42, serum CT was positively correlated with cOC (R = 0.99, P= 0.009); at week 44, tibia strength was positively correlated with BMD (R = 0.95, P= 0.045), but negatively correlated with medullary area (R = - 0.98, P= 0.018). VK (2 mg/kg) supplementation to diets of laying hens can enhance bone strength under challenge situations with Salmonella Enteritidis. Medullary area has proven to be a sensitive biomarker for bone calcium loss caused by SE infection. VK (2 mg/kg) supplementation to diets of laying hens can enhance bone strength under challenge situations with Salmonella Enteritidis. Medullary area has proven to be a sensitive biomarker for bone calcium loss caused by SE infection.Published works have raised concerns that certain violent behaviors and firearm acquisition have encountered dramatic increases since the onset of COVID-19. While these works provide important preliminary insights, they lack the empirical robustness necessary to inform a targeted societal response. Having the ability to perform the research needed to support evidence-based policy requires that data at national, state and local-levels be accessible and of sufficient quality. While related, robust data sources do arguably exist, their availability may come long after the window for effective prevention and intervention efforts has closed or may otherwise present with quality limitations, leaving populations at risk for various forms of violence without the support of protective policies.The University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center and the Public Policy Center has compiled a compendium of secondary data sources in an effort to promote exploration of relationships between the COVID-19 pandemic and rates of injury and violence. The forms of violence and firearm-related behavior that were identified as being at risk for amplification given the social stress, economic stress and isolation associated with the public health emergency period included firearm acquisition, firearm violence, intimate partner violence and family violence.