When passive interventions are equated with low-value care, it is easy to deride manual therapy as "low-value" care. However, manual therapy describes a wide variety of different treatments. Manual therapy can have passive components and even be primarily passive in some scenarios. But manual therapy can also form an integral part of highly active treatment strategies. We implore investigators to describe manual therapy interventions used in trials in sufficient detail that can be reproduced, to help end-users of research (including clinicians) make better decisions when assessing the value of treatments. This viewpoint challenges the assumption that manual therapy is always a passive treatment of low value. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, Epub 1 Jul 2021. doi10.2519/jospt.2021.10330. To assess the relationship of individual article citations in the Sport Sciences field to (i) journal impact factor; (ii) each article's open access status; and (iii) Altmetric score components. Cross-sectional. We searched the ISI Web of Knowledge InCites Journal Citation Reports database "Sport Sciences" category for the 20 journals with the highest 2-year impact factor in 2018. We extracted the impact factor for each journal and each article's open access status (yes or no). Between September 2019 and February 2020, we obtained individual citations, Altmetric scores and details of Altmetric components (e.g. number of tweets, Facebook posts, etc.) for each article published in 2017. Linear and multiple regression models were used to assess the relationship between the dependent variable (citation number) and the independent variables article Altmetric score and open access status, and journal impact factor. 4,022 articles were included. Total Altmetric score, journal impact factor and open access status, respectively explained 32%, 14%, and 1% of the variance in article citations (when combined, the variables explained 40% of the variance