Proteomic analysis revealed 457 significantly altered proteins, and IPA identified biological functions related to cancer, e.g., posttranslational modification and cell death/survival. Among 39 proteins with at least a two-fold difference in expression, twelve are relevant in glucose homeostasis and insulin resistance. The stable monoclonal MEN1-KO-BON1 cell line was found to have preserved neuroendocrine differentiation, increased proliferation, and an altered protein profile.Although emergence of keratin 17 (K17) and reciprocal loss of K13 are immunohistochemical hallmarks for oral mucosal malignancy, we report here findings of K17-positive (+) speckles, possibly equivalent to Civatte bodies, in benign oral lichen planus. Sixty-two biopsy samples from oral lichen planus cases were subjected to immunohistochemical examinations to analyze the distribution as well as histopathogenesis of Civatte bodies. K17 was irregularly positive among oral lichen planus-affected epithelial cells, and K17-positive (+) filamentous structures were irregularly distributed within the cytoplasm in confocal images. K17+ speckles were identified as Civatte bodies, and they were mainly distributed in the interface between epithelial cells and lymphocytic infiltrates (type A, 52.8%), followed by distribution within the epithelial layer (type B, 24.7%) or within the lamina propria with lymphocytic infiltration (type C, 22.5%). Apoptotic figures were often engulfed by macrophages and clearly distinguished from Civatte bodies by the presence TUNEL signals. These results indicate that K17 is a sensitive immunohistochemical marker for Civatte bodies and useful for differential diagnosis of oral lichen planus from other oral mucosal lesions. Civatte bodies are generated from denucleation of K17+ epithelial cells during the process of cell death via dyskeratosis, which is possibly related to blood capillary collapse.This scenario was designed to in