import sys import cv2 import numpy as np from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes # This program encrypts a jpg With AES-256. The encrypted image contains more data than the original image (e.g. because of # padding, IV etc.). Therefore the encrypted image has one row more. Supported are CBC and ECB mode. # Set mode mode = AES.MODE_CBC #mode = AES.MODE_ECB if mode != AES.MODE_CBC and mode != AES.MODE_ECB: print('Only CBC and ECB mode supported...') sys.exit() # Set sizes keySize = 32 ivSize = AES.block_size if mode == AES.MODE_CBC else 0 # # Start Encryption ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Load original image imageOrig = cv2.imread("original.jpg") rowOrig, columnOrig, depthOrig = imageOrig.shape # Check for minimum width minWidth = (AES.block_size + AES.block_size) // depthOrig + 1 if columnOrig < minWidth: print('The minimum width of the image must be {} pixels, so that IV and padding can be stored in a single additional row!'.format(minWidth)) sys.exit() # Display original image cv2.imshow("Original image", imageOrig) cv2.waitKey() # Convert original image data to bytes imageOrigBytes = imageOrig.tobytes() # Encrypt key = get_random_bytes(keySize) iv = get_random_bytes(ivSize) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) if mode == AES.MODE_CBC else, AES.MODE_ECB) imageOrigBytesPadded = pad(imageOrigBytes, AES.block_size) ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(imageOrigBytesPadded) # Convert ciphertext bytes to encrypted image data # The additional row contains columnOrig * DepthOrig bytes. Of this, ivSize + paddedSize bytes are used # and void = columnOrig * DepthOrig - ivSize - paddedSize bytes unused paddedSize = len(imageOrigBytesPadded) - len(imageOrigBytes) void = columnOrig * depthOrig - ivSize - paddedSize ivCiphertextVoid = iv + ciphertext + bytes(void) imageEncrypted = np.frombuffer(ivCiphertextVoid, dtype = imageOrig.dtype).reshape(rowOrig + 1, columnOrig, depthOrig) # Display encrypted image cv2.imshow("Encrypted image", imageEncrypted) cv2.waitKey() # Save the encrypted image (optional) # If the encrypted image is to be stored, a format must be chosen that does not change the data. Otherwise, # decryption is not possible after loading the encrypted image. bmp does not change the data, but jpg does. # When saving with imwrite, the format is controlled by the extension (.jpg, .bmp). The following works: cv2.imwrite("topsecretEnc.bmp", imageEncrypted) imageEncrypted = cv2.imread("topsecretEnc.bmp") # # Start Decryption ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Convert encrypted image data to ciphertext bytes rowEncrypted, columnOrig, depthOrig = imageEncrypted.shape rowOrig = rowEncrypted - 1 encryptedBytes = imageEncrypted.tobytes() iv = encryptedBytes[:ivSize] imageOrigBytesSize = rowOrig * columnOrig * depthOrig paddedSize = (imageOrigBytesSize // AES.block_size + 1) * AES.block_size - imageOrigBytesSize encrypted = encryptedBytes[ivSize : ivSize + imageOrigBytesSize + paddedSize] # Decrypt cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) if mode == AES.MODE_CBC else, AES.MODE_ECB) decryptedImageBytesPadded = cipher.decrypt(encrypted) decryptedImageBytes = unpad(decryptedImageBytesPadded, AES.block_size) # Convert bytes to decrypted image data decryptedImage = np.frombuffer(decryptedImageBytes, imageEncrypted.dtype).reshape(rowOrig, columnOrig, depthOrig) # Display decrypted image cv2.imshow("Decrypted Image", decryptedImage) cv2.imwrite("topsecretDec.bmp", decryptedImage) cv2.waitKey() # Close all windows cv2.destroyAllWindows()