Compared to those without MPS (n=165), those with MPS (n=128) had 37% greater SEL decline in the prior eight years (p=0.001). Greater SEL decline was associated with smaller right striatal volume (adjusted standardized β=0.126, p=0.029). SEL decline was not associated with volumes in other regions. The association of SEL decline with MPS remained similar after adjustment for right striatal volume (adjusted OR=2.03, 95% CI 1.16 - 3.54). SEL decline may be faster in those with MPS. Striatal atrophy may be important for declining energy but does not explain the association with MPS. SEL decline may be faster in those with MPS. Striatal atrophy may be important for declining energy but does not explain the association with MPS. High macular pigment optical density (MPOD) has been associated with improved eye health and better cognitive functions. Genetic variations have been associated with MPOD in adults. However, these associations between genetic variations and MPOD have not been studied in children. This was a secondary analysis of the FK2 (Fitness Improves Thinking in Kids 2) trial (n=134, 41% male). The aim was to determine differences in MPOD among children (aged 7-9 y) based on genetic variants that either are biologically relevant to lutein (L) and zeaxanthin (Z) accumulation or have been associated with MPOD in adults. MPOD was measured using customized heterochromatic flicker photometry via a macular densitometer. DXA was used to assess whole-body and visceral adiposity. DNA was extracted from saliva samples and was genotyped for 26 hypothesis-driven single nucleotide polymorphisms and 75 ancestry-informative markers (AIMs). Habitual diet history was obtained via 3-d food logs completed by parents (n=88). General lidjusting for variation in dietary intake.This trial was registered at as NCT01619826.Three experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) and digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) in a new source of corn protein are greater than in corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and that corn protein may be included in diets for weanling pigs. In experiment 1, the SID of AA was determined in two sources of DDGS (DDGS-1 and DDGS-2) and in corn protein. Results indicated that SID of most AA was greater (P less then 0.05) in DDGS-2 and corn protein than in DDGS-1, but corn protein contained more digestible AA than both sources of DDGS. In experiment 2, the DE and ME in corn, the two sources of DDGS, and corn protein were determined. Results demonstrated that DE (dry matter basis) in corn protein was greater (P less then 0.05) than in corn, but ME (dry matter basis) was not different between corn and corn protein. However, DE and ME in corn (dry matter basis) were greater (P less then 0.05) than in DDGS-1 and DDGS-2. In experiment 3, 160 weanling pigs were allotted to four treatments in phases 1 and 2 and a common diet in phase 3. Corn protein was included at 5% to 10% in phases 1 and 2 at the expense of plasma protein and enzyme-treated soybean meal. Results indicated that although differences in average daily gain and gain to feed ratio were observed in phase 1, no differences among treatments were observed for the overall experimental period. In conclusion, the concentration of digestible AA is greater in corn protein than in DDGS; DE and ME in corn protein are also greater than in DDGS; and up to 10% corn protein may be included in phase 1 and phase 2 diets for weanling pigs. Medulloblastomas with chromothripsis developing in children with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (germline TP53 mutations) are highly aggressive brain tumors with dismal prognosis. Conventional photon radiotherapy and DNA-damaging chemotherapy are not successful for these patients and raise the risk of secondary malignancies. We hypothesized that the pronounced homologous recombination deficiency in these tumors might offer vulnerabilities that can be therapeutically utilized in combination with high linear energy transfer carbon ion radiotherapy. We tested high-precision particle therapy with carbon ions and protons as well as topotecan with or without PARP inhibitor in orthotopic primary and matched relapsed patient-derived xenograft models. Tumor and normal tissue underwent longitudinal morphological (MRI), cellular (markers of neurogenesis and DNA damage-repair) and molecular characterization (whole-genome sequencing). In the primary medulloblastoma model, carbon ions led to complete response in 79% of animalsapsed medulloblastomas exhibit relative resistance compared to treatment-naïve tumors, calling for exploration of multimodal strategies. Starchy foods can have a profound effect on metabolism. The structural properties of starchy foods can affect their digestibility and postprandial metabolic responses, which in the long term may be associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. This systematic review sought to evaluate the clinical evidence regarding the impact of the microstructures within starchy foods on postprandial glucose and insulin responses alongside appetite regulation. A systematic search was performed in the PUBMED, Ovid Medicine, EMBASE, and Google Scholar databases for data published up to 18 January 2021. Data were extracted by 3 independent reviewers from randomized crossover trials (RCTs) that investigated the effect of microstructural factors on postprandial glucose, insulin, appetite-regulating hormone responses, and subjective satiety scores in healthy participants. We identified 745 potential articles, and 25 RCTs (n=369 participants) met our inclusion criteria 6 evaluated the amylose-to-amylopectin ratinipulation of microstructures in starchy food may be an effective way to improve postprandial glycemia and insulinemia in the healthy population. The protocol for this systematic review and meta-analysis was registered in the international prospective register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO) as CRD42020190873. The manipulation of microstructures in starchy food may be an effective way to improve postprandial glycemia and insulinemia in the healthy population. The protocol for this systematic review and meta-analysis was registered in the international prospective register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO) as CRD42020190873.