High dose of TGF-β1, but not low dose, significantly ameliorated the decreased sucrose preference of SPT in the CSDS susceptible mice. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/sitagliptin.html Pretreatment with a TrkB antagonist ANA-12 (0.5 mg/kg) blocked the antidepressant-like effects of TGF-β1 in CSDS susceptible mice. The data suggest that intranasal administration of TGF-β1 could elicit rapid-acting antidepressant-like effects via TrkB stimulation in a CSDS model. Therefore, it is likely that intranasal administration of TGF-β1 would be a novel therapeutic approach for depression. To characterise the endometrial transcriptomic profiles of women who suffered recurrent miscarriage and to set the foundation for the development of an endometrial receptivity test that could predict the fate of subsequent pregnancies. This was a prospective multicentre cohort study performed at the Tommy's National Centre for Miscarriage Research in Birmingham, Saint Mary's Hospital in Manchester and Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, United Kingdom. The study was conducted between December 2017 and December 2019. Endometrial biopsies were obtained during the window of implantation from 24 women aged 18-35 years, who were not pregnant and regularly menstruating, diagnosed with unexplained recurrent miscarriage by standard investigations as per the ESHRE guidelines. Exclusion criteria included risk factors such as smoking, obesity or hyperprolactinemia. The RNA transcripts abundances were quantified using Kallisto. R packages tximport and DESeq2 were used to summarize count estimates at the gene level and their subsequent pregnancy displayed an enrichment of genes related to the regulation of cell structure and proliferation, while women who suffered a subsequent miscarriage displayed an enrichment of genes related to immunity, trans-membrane transport and coagulation. Women in the extreme miscarriage cohort had a distinctive endometrial transcriptomic signature compared to women with low order miscarriages. There was a partial overlap with the transcriptome of asynchronous endometrium suggesting the endometrial factor to be a different entity in the context of recurrent miscarriage. Women who achieved a live birth in their subsequent pregnancy displayed an enrichment of genes related to the regulation of cell structure and proliferation, while women who suffered a subsequent miscarriage displayed an enrichment of genes related to immunity, trans-membrane transport and coagulation.Dengue is the most common viral mosquito- borne disease. It is a major public health problem, especially in tropical and sub-tropical areas worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 40% of the world's population (over 2.5 billion people) live in areas with high risk of contracting dengue infection. Adults of childbearing age and pregnant women are travelling more frequently to tropical areas. Therefore exposing themselves to specific arboviral infections such as dengue, which may impact ongoing and future pregnancies. Clinical manifestations of dengue are wide ranging from asymptomatic to needing intensive care in cases of hemorrhagic dengue fever. The effects of dengue during and on pregnancy are unclear, moreover there is a lack of a cohesive reference to inform women of reproductive age who live in or travel to endemic areas and are at risk of contracting dengue. Here we present review of literature specifically looking at etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, management of dengue in pregnancy as well as its effect on maternal health and fetal outcomes. There is clear evidence to suggest adverse maternal outcomes in women with symptomatic dengue in low resource countries. A high index of clinical suspicion and early referral to tertiary center will prevent maternal -fetal serious adverse events in endemic areas. This review will help Clinicians in advising as well as managing women who travel during pregnancy to endemic areas as well as clinicians based in endemic areas who are managing women with dengue in pregnancy. To investigate the incidence of risk factors associated with acute kidney injury(AKI) occurring during the intrapartum or the immediate postpartum period. A retrospective case control study in a tertiary UK hospital of pregnant women identified with AKI in labour or in the postpartum period between July 2019 and June 2020 was carried out. Women identified with pregnancy related AKI (pr-AKI) in labour or postpartum were compared with a matched cohort of women with no evidence of pr-AKI, using multiple regression analysis. In 4600 births, 71 women with pr-AKI and 142 control women were identified. The antenatal and intrapartum risk factors strongly associated with pr-AKI were pre-eclampsia, prolonged ruptured membranes, delivery by emergency caesarean section and greater blood loss at delivery (all p < 0.001 in multivariable regression). Pr-AKI is relatively common, occurring in 1.5 % of our cohort. Women who are overweight, have prolonged rupture of the membranes, an emergency caesarean section and/or a postpartum haemorrhage are at greatest risk. Clinicians should be check renal function before prescribing non-steroidal medication for postpartum pain relief if there are risk factors for AKI. Pr-AKI is relatively common, occurring in 1.5 % of our cohort. Women who are overweight, have prolonged rupture of the membranes, an emergency caesarean section and/or a postpartum haemorrhage are at greatest risk. Clinicians should be check renal function before prescribing non-steroidal medication for postpartum pain relief if there are risk factors for AKI. Inhalation of nitrous oxide and oxygen (N O/O ) is used to reduce pain that is spontaneous or induced by procedures. N O/O could be useful in the treatment of the pain in first-trimester termination of pregnancy performed under local anaesthesia and/or minimal sedation (FTOPL). To evaluate the usefulness of N O/O to reduce pain in FTOPL. Electronic databases including PubMed, Embase, and MEDLINE were searched using keywords. All studies comparing the use of N O/O versus a placebo in the management of pain during FTOPL during the first trimester were included. Of the 199 studies identified, four were deemed eligible for this meta-analysis. The extracted results were perioperative pain, immediate and delayed postoperative pain, anxiety scores, and the secondary effects (nausea, vomiting). The data were analysed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software version 2.2.064. There was a significant difference in favour of N O/O for perioperative pain (p = 0.006; SMD = - 0.31; 95 % CI, -0.54 - -0.