Pea flour was extruded at 50, 70, and 90 °C. The in vitro digestibility and characteristics of native and extruded pea flour were investigated. The in vitro starch digestibility (IVSD) and in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) of the extruded pea flour were higher than those of the native pea flour and increased with increasing extrusion temperature from 50 to 90 °C. The rapidly digestible starch increased to 28.34% at 90 °C, the highest slowly digestible starch (SDS) content was 22.70% at 50 °C, and resistant starch content decreased to 4.71% at 90 °C. The IVPD increased from 80.94% relative to the native pea flour to 90.21% at 90 °C. Improved swelling power enabled the extruded pea flour to exhibit better performance and higher breakdown viscosity and lower setback viscosity than the native pea flour demonstrated that extrusion reduced the thermal stability and retrogradation tendency. Increasing extrusion temperatures greatly reduced the relative crystallinity (based on X-ray diffraction analysis) from 32.69% relative to the native pea flour to 9.76% at 90 °C. Extrusion treatment also reduced β-sheet content (based on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis) from 36.40% relative to the native pea flour to 31.79% at 90 °C. IVPD and IVSD improved, and the SDS content increased at 50 °C and 70 °C, thereby indicating that extruded pea flour can be applied to healthy food products.Mobile health (M-Health) system is the remote form of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN), which can be used for collecting patient's health data in real-time with mobile devices, and storing it to the network servers. The data can be accessed by doctors to monitor, diagnosed and treat patients through a variety of techniques and technologies. The main advantage of the M-Health system is the ease of time-independent communication from physically distant places that enhances the quality of healthcare services at a reduced cost. Furthermore, to provide faster access to the treatment of patients, an M-Health system can be integrated with the internet of things (IoT) to offer preventive or proactive healthcare services by connecting devices and persons. However, its equally great drawback lies in transmitting and receiving the health information wirelessly through an open wireless medium that offers different security and privacy violation threats. We aim to address such a deficiency, and thus a new scheme called an efficient and provable secure certificate-based combined signature, encryption and signcryption (CBCSES) scheme, has been proposed in this article. The scheme not only obtains encryption and signcryption but also provides encryption or signature model alone when needed. To show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, detailed security analyses, i.e. indistinguishable under adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks (IND-CBCSES-CCA) and unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attacks (EUF-CBCSES-CMA), and the comparisons with relevant existing schemes are carried out. The results obtained authenticate the superiority of our scheme in terms of both computation and communication costs with enhanced security. Identification of an EST-SSR molecular marker associated with Blister blight, a common fungal disease of tea, facilitating marker-assisted selection, marking a milestone in tea molecular breeding. lister blight (BB) leaf disease of tea, caused by the fungus Exobasidium vexans, results in 25-30% crop loss annually. BB is presently controlled by Cu based fungicides, but genetic resistance is the most viable option in disease management. Tea is a naturally out-crossing, woody perennial necessitating a long time for completion of a breeding programme. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) is vital to expedite breeding programmes and also for better accuracy in gene identification. The aim of the current research was to derive marker-trait associations using an F population segregating for BB. The population was genotyped at 11 expressed sequence tag simple sequence repeat loci followed by detecting the alleles by fragment analysis. The genotypic and phenotypic data were subjected to single-marker analysis resultingker EST-SSR073 can be effectively used in breeding tea against BB, recording a milestone in MAS in tea.Renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is one of the major causes of acute kidney injury (AKI). Although Akt is involved in renal IRI, it is unclear as to which Akt isoform plays an important role in renal IRI. In this study, we investigated the role of Akt1 in renal IRI. We subjected the C57BL/6 male mice to unilateral IRI with contralateral nephrectomy. Two days after IRI, IRI-kidneys were harvested. The mice were divided into four groups wild type (WT) IRI, Akt1-/- IRI, WT sham, and Akt1-/- sham. We found that Akt1, not Akt2 or Akt3, was markedly activated in WT IRI than in WT sham mice. The histologic damage score and serum creatinine level significantly increased in WT IRI mice, the increase being the highest in Akt1-/- IRI mice. The number of TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL)-positive tubular cells and expression of cleaved caspase-3/Bax were higher in Akt1-/- IRI mice than in WT IRI mice. The expression of Bcl-2 was lower in Akt1-/- IRI mice than in WT IRI mice. The expression of tumor necrosis factor-α/interleukin-6/interleukin-1β and number of F4/80-positive macrophages were markedly higher in Akt1-/- IRI than in WT IRI mice. The expression of phosphorylated nuclear factor-κB p65 was also higher in Akt1-/- IRI mice than in WT IRI mice. Our results show that Akt1 deletion exacerbates kidney damage as it increases tubular apoptosis and inflammatory response during renal IRI. Akt1 could be a potential therapeutic target for developing treatments against IRI-induced AKI.Rhabosciadium aucheri is an Iranian endemic herbaceous species that grows in the west, center, and south regions of Iran. In the present study, genetic variation of 70 individuals belonging to seven natural populations of four provinces was investigated using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Ten out of twenty-two RAPD primers employed in this study, generated 110 highly amplified and reproducible loci and a mean of 11.1 bands per primer and 48.13% of polymorphism was obtained. According to our results, the primer OPA10 presented the highest effective number of alleles, Shannon's index, and genetic diversity. The highest value of genetic identity (0.916) was determined between Hamadan, Nahavand and Hamadan, Alvand Mts. populations and the highest genetic distance (0.277) was observed between Hamadan, Asadabad and Kurdistan, Qorveh populations. Therefore, there is an obvious correlation between genetic diversity and geographical distribution. PCA was obtained based on RAPD molecular data and Neighbor Joining (NJ) dendrogram was provided successively.