Biogenic microtubular iron oxides (BIOXs) derived from Leptothrix spp. are known as promising multifunctional materials for industrial applications such as ceramic pigments and catalyst carriers. Here, we report unprecedented BIOX products with additive depositions of various metallic elements prepared by a newly devised "two-step" method using an artificial culture system of Leptothrix cholodnii strain OUMS1; the method comprises a biotic formation of immature organic sheaths and subsequent abiotic deposition of Fe and intended elements on the sheaths. Chemical composition ratios of the additional elements Al, Zr, and Ti in the respective BIOXs were arbitrarily controllable depending on initial concentrations of metallic salts added to reaction solutions. Raman spectroscopy exemplified an existence of Fe-O-Al linkage in the Al-containing BIOX matrices. Time-course analyses revealed the underlying physiological mechanism for the BIOX formation. These results indicate that our advanced method can contribute greatly to creations of innovative bioderived materials with improved functionalities.Reducing chlorine corrosion to metals at high temperatures is a big problem for many industrial processes. Some high Ni alloys such as Hastelloy C-276 (Ni > 50 wt %) have been widely used for this purpose. Chlorine and chlorides often coexisted in many industrial processes at high temperatures, such as some industrial incinerators and metallurgical furnaces. Thus, a comprehensive experimental investigation regarding the effect of NaCl on the chlorination corrosion of metallic nickel powder by chlorine at a high temperature was performed. It was more convenient to investigate the intrinsic chlorination mechanisms and kinetics of metallic Ni if Ni powder was used instead of a Ni plate. It was found that there existed a critical chlorination temperature of 450 °C for relative safe use of Ni-based alloy in the presence NaCl. The Ni chlorination in the presence of NaCl was increased with increasing temperature and reached a maximum of 97% at 700 °C, which was about 21% higher than that in the absence of NaCl. An astep 3 External Cl2(g) was dissolved in the liquid product layer; step 4 The chlorine dissolved in the liquid product of NiNa0.33Cl2.33 reacted with the unreacted Ni core. The external Cl2(g) passed through the liquid product NiNa0.33Cl2.33 layer faster than the solid product NiCl2 layer formed in the absence of NaCl. This resulted in 21% more chlorination corrosion of metallic Ni powder with NaCl addition than that without NaCl addition.Favorable microalgal nutrition from waste resources and improved harvesting methods would offset costs for a process that could be scaled up to treat pollution and produce valuable animal feed in lieu of soy protein. Co-benefits include avoidance of carbon dioxide emissions, which may provide an additional revenue stream when carbon markets begin to flourish. To sustainably achieve these goals at scale, barriers to microalgal production such as tolerance for waste streams and dramatic improvement in dewatering and settleability of the microalgae must be overcome. Presently, it is largely assumed that nutritious microalgae, including Scenedesmus obliquus, would be inhibited by SO x and NO x in flue gases and settle slowly as discrete particles. Studies conducted with a 2 L photobioreactor, sparged with simulated coal-fired power plant flue gas, demonstrated that both biomass productivity and settling rates were increased. The average maximum biomass productivity was 700 ± 40 mg L-1 d-1, which significantly exceeded that of the control culture (510 ± 40 mg L-1 d-1). Thirty-minute trials of modeled bulk settling showed rapid coagulation, likely facilitated by extracellular polymeric substances, and compaction when the cultures were grown with simulated emissions. Control cultures, not exposed to the additional toxicants in flue gas, settled as discrete particles and did not show any settling progress within 30 min. Of the SO2 sparged into the cultivation system, (111 ± 4)% was captured as either SO42- in the medium or fixed in the S. obliquus biomass. The stress of simulated-emissions exposure decreased the S. obliquus protein contents and altered the amino acid profiles but did not decrease the fraction of methionine, a valuable amino acid in animal feed.In order to explore an efficient and clean conversion way of Ningdong coal, the chemical-looping reaction of Ningdong coal was conducted in a laboratory-scale fluidized-bed reactor using manganese ore as the oxygen carrier (OC), and the reaction characteristics were investigated in combination by thermogravimetric analysis. Experiments included the investigation of the reaction of the manganese ore with 5 vol % H2 and with coal powder at 900 °C, the catalytic and OC effect of manganese ore on coal gasification, the reaction efficiency and reaction products under different mass ratios of OC to coal (O/C), and the effect of multiple cycles on the reaction performance of the manganese ore. At 900 °C, the OC exhibited higher reactivity with coal syngas, significantly reducing the time of coal gasification (∼48% reduction). The manganese ore itself contained alkali metals, exhibiting a certain capacity for sulfur fixation, but the sulfur fixation was gradually weakened during multicycle experiments. The manganese ore did not exhibit any inhibition effect on NO x emission. From the wear rate of the manganese ore during fluidized reaction, its service life could be deduced to be about 150 h. Hence, it is necessary to improve the strength of the manganese ore OC.Because melatonin has strong antioxidant activity and wine is an alcoholic beverage of economic relevance, in the present work, the impact of some variable parameters that may occur in the winemaking process on the concentrations of melatonin and its precursors in Romanian wines was studied. Therefore, a sensitive and selective high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) method was developed for the simultaneous analysis of melatonin, serotonin, and l-tryptophan, and some method performance parameters including selectivity, detection limit, precision (by comparing with an alternative HPLC-FL method), accuracy, and robustness were validated. These determinations are significant and the final amounts of analytes are dependent on the microorganisms involved in the winemaking process, the grape variety, geographic regions of vineyards, and aging of wines. In the future, the method may be useful to increase the melatonin content and the antioxidant activity in wines by improved steps in the winemaking process, especially based on application of selected yeasts and improved fermentation conditions.