eckpoint inhibitors, multidisciplinary management of oncological patients is critical. The pituitary syndrome in oncological patients who underwent immunotherapy represents a challenge in the differential diagnosis between pituitary metastasis and drug-induced hypophysitis. This is the first case, described in the literature of diabetes insipidus in a patient suffering from nivolumab-induced infundibulo-neurohypophysitis and anterohypophyseal metastasis.Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of death globally. Understanding the population dynamics of TB's causative agent Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (Mtbc) in-host is vital for understanding the efficacy of antibiotic treatment. We use longitudinally collected clinical Mtbc isolates that underwent Whole-Genome Sequencing from the sputa of 200 patients to investigate Mtbc diversity during the course of active TB disease after excluding 107 cases suspected of reinfection, mixed infection or contamination. Of the 178/200 patients with persistent clonal infection >2 months, 27 developed new resistance mutations between sampling with 20/27 occurring in patients with pre-existing resistance. Low abundance resistance variants at a purity of ≥19% in the first isolate predict fixation in the subsequent sample. We identify significant in-host variation in 27 genes, including antibiotic resistance genes, metabolic genes and genes known to modulate host innate immunity and confirm several to be under positive selection by assessing phylogenetic convergence across a genetically diverse sample of 20,352 isolates.Across species, lifespan is highly variable among individuals within a population. Even genetically identical Caenorhabditis elegans reared in homogeneous environments are as variable in lifespan as outbred human populations. We hypothesized that persistent inter-individual differences in expression of key regulatory genes drives this lifespan variability. As a test, we