A detailed analysis of poloidal mode structures in the SFEMaNS code indicates that MRI, rather than Ekman circulation or Rayleigh instability, dominates the fluid behavior in the region where MRI is expected.In this paper, the rotational part of the disturbance flow field caused by viscous Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) at the cylindrical interface is considered, and the most unstable mode is revealed to be three-dimensional for interfaces of small radii R. With an increase in R, the azimuthal wave number of the most unstable mode increases step by step, and the corresponding axial wave number increases as well at each step of the azimuthal wave number. When the amplitude of the wave-number vector is much larger or much smaller than 1/R, the cylindrical RTI is close to the semi-infinite planar viscous RTI limit or the finite-thickness creeping-flow RTI limit, respectively. The effect of the viscosity ratio is double-edged; it may enhance or suppress the cylindrical RTI, depending on R and the amplitude range of the wave-number vector.We examine directional locking effects in an assembly of disks driven through a square array of obstacles as the angle of drive rotates from 0^∘ to 90^∘. For increasing disk densities, the system exhibits a series of different dynamic patterns along certain locking directions, including one-dimensional or multiple-row chain phases and density-modulated phases. For nonlocking driving directions, the disks form disordered patterns or clusters. When the obstacles are small or far apart, a large number of locking phases appear; however, as the number of disks increases, the number of possible locking phases drops due to the increasing frequency of collisions between the disks and obstacles. For dense arrays or large obstacles, we find an increased clogging effect in which immobile and moving disks coexist.Nonlinear dispersion relation for the finite-amplitude dust acoustic modes is obtained taking into accoun