The MET receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) and its cognate ligand hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) comprise a signaling axis essential for development, wound healing and tissue homeostasis. Aberrant HGF/MET signaling is a driver of many cancers and contributes to drug resistance to several approved therapeutics targeting other RTKs, making MET itself an important drug target. In RTKs, homeostatic receptor signaling is dependent on autoinhibition in the absence of ligand binding and orchestrated set of conformational changes induced by ligand-mediated receptor dimerization that result in activation of the intracellular kinase domains. A fundamental understanding of these mechanisms in the MET receptor remains incomplete, despite decades of research. This is due in part to the complex structure of the HGF ligand, which remains unknown in its full-length form, and a lack of high-resolution structures of the complete MET extracellular portion in an apo or ligand-bound state. A current view of HGF-dependent MET activation has evolved from biochemical and structural studies of HGF and MET fragments and here we review what these findings have thus far revealed.Solanesol, a naturally occurring constituent of tobacco, has been utilized as a good marker for environmental tobacco smoke particulate and as a non-invasive predictor of mainstream cigarette smoke tar and nicotine intake under naturalistic smoking conditions. A fast and accurate method for measuring free solanesol to assess tobacco smoke exposure is highly desirable. We have developed and validated a new environmentally friendly, high throughput method for measuring solanesol content in discarded cigarette filter butts. The solanesol deposited in the used filters can be correlated with mainstream smoke deliveries of nicotine and total particle matter (TPM) to estimate constituent delivery to smokers. A portion of filter material is removed from cigarette butts after machine smoking, spiked with internal standard solution, extracted, and quantitatively analyzed using reverse phase liquid chromatography coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The new method incorporates a 48-well plate format for automated sample preparation that reduces sample preparation time and solvent use and increases sample throughput 10-fold compared to our previous method. Accuracy and precision were evaluated by spiking known amounts of solanesol on both clean and smoked cigarette butts. Recoveries exceeded 93% at both low and high spiking levels. Linear solanesol calibration curves ranged from 1.9 to 367 µg/butt with a 0.05 µg/butt limit of detection. Shoulder pain is the third most common musculoskeletal complaint in primary care. The international guidelines for general practitioners (GPs) recommend a stepwise treatment of shoulder pain. Little is known about the actual distribution of these treatments in current practice. To gain insight in the incidence and current management of shoulder complaints in Dutch general practice. A retrospective cohort study was conducted using a health care database containing the full electronic medical records of approximately 200 000 patients in Dutch general practice. A search algorithm was constructed to identify incident cases of shoulder complaints from January 2012 to December 2017. Data on the management of shoulder complaints were manually validated in a random sample of 1000 cases. The overall incidence of shoulder complaints was 30.3 (95% confidence interval 29.9-30.7) per 1000 person-years. More than half of the patients (58.6%) consulted their GP only once, 44.4% two times or more and 19.7% three times or more. For most patients (58.1%), the GP applied a wait-and-see policy or prescription of oral medication in the first consultation. However, no less than 42.9% of the patients were referred or received an injection already in the first consultation. There is a wide variety of treatments for shoulder complaints applied by the GP. Some patients are referred or received an injection already in the first consultation. The stepwise approach recommended by the guideline, might not always be applicable due to the diversity of patient- and shoulder characteristics presented in general practice. There is a wide variety of treatments for shoulder complaints applied by the GP. Some patients are referred or received an injection already in the first consultation. The stepwise approach recommended by the guideline, might not always be applicable due to the diversity of patient- and shoulder characteristics presented in general practice. More than a century of research on the neurobiological underpinnings of major psychiatric disorders (major depressive disorder [MDD], bipolar disorder [BD], schizophrenia [SZ], and schizoaffective disorder [SZA]) has been unable to identify diagnostic markers. An alternative approach is to study dimensional psychopathological syndromes that cut across categorical diagnoses. The aim of the current study was to identify gray matter volume (GMV) correlates of transdiagnostic symptom dimensions. We tested the association of 5 psychopathological factors with GMV using multiple regression models in a sample of N = 1069 patients meeting Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria for MDD (n = 818), BD (n = 132), and SZ/SZA (n = 119). T1-weighted brain images were acquired with 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging and preprocessed with CAT12. Interactions analyses (diagnosis × psychopathological factor) were performed to test whether local GMV associations were driven by ndings open a new avenue for neurobiological research across disorders, using syndrome-based approaches rather than categorical diagnoses.X-linked deafness-2 (DFNX2) is cochlear incomplete partition type III (IP-III), one of inner ear malformations characterized by an abnormally wide opening in the bone separating the basal turn of the cochlea from the internal auditory canal, fixation of the stapes and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) gusher upon stapedectomy or cochleostomy. The causative gene of DFNX2 was POU3F4. To investigate the genetic causes of DFNX2 and compare the efficiency of different sequencing methods, 12 unrelated patients were enrolled in the present study. Targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) and long-read sequencing were used to analyze the genetic etiology of DFNX2. Six variants of POU3F4 were identified in this cohort by NGS. Three patients with a negative diagnosis based on NGS were enrolled in further long-read sequencing. Two of them were all found to carry structural variations (SVs) on chromosome X, consisting of an 870-kb deletion (DEL) at upstream of POU3F4 and an 8-Mb inversion (INV). The 870-kb DEL may have been due to non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), while non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) within a single chromatid may have accounted for the 8-Mb INV.