This article is going to provide you with well proven advice about plumbing. Sometimes you are not sure about what you can trust and what you cannot. Use the great tips and tricks that have been gathered here and you can be assured you are getting tried and true advice. If your pipes bang when you turn on the water, and all the pipes are anchored correctly, you should add some straps or cushion the pipes with a rubber blanket. There may be times when you will need to do both. Make sure that if you have copper pipes, you are not using galvanized straps. If your pipes are prone to freezing, let the water trickle continuously in at least one faucet during weather that is below freezing. This will minimize the chances that the pipes will freeze and leave you without water. If water is continually running through the pipes and trickling out of a faucet, the pipes are less likely to freeze. At least once a year remove the faucet aerator and clean the screens. This helps it properly function. The function of a faucet aerator is to allow for an even flow of water and to conserve water. Be sure to clean out the aerator and you'll notice a these things working. If water is draining into a dishwasher, it is probably because the hose attached to the sink is not installed correctly. The hose must lead uphill then back downhill to prevent the combining of water from each device. Get a good quality replacement shower head. Most times, people tend to think that it is alright to purchase the most inexpensive shower head they could find. Inexpensive shower heads are not terribly sturdy, though, and may not hold up to daily use. If you have a need for a plumber, check the references of the person or company before hiring them. Some plumbers just don't know how to handle certain tasks which could make the problem worse. Research reviews on the plumbers in your area, or ask family or friends about their recommendations. The most important plumb