Preliminary evidence indicates that affective empathy is differentially related to proactive and reactive functions of aggression. However, additional longitudinal research is needed to understand the potential reciprocal nature of these links. The current study examined the bidirectional associations between affective empathy and proactive and reactive aggression over a 6-month period during middle childhood, with attention to potential gender differences. Data were collected from 294 elementary school children (52% girls; M = 9.25 years; SD = 0.944 years) and their homeroom teachers. Affective empathy was assessed using self-reports, and teachers provided ratings of children's functions of aggression. Data were collected during the fall and spring of one academic year. Overall, results suggest some evidence that affective empathy and functions of aggression are reciprocally linked over time. As predicted, Time 1 empathy was inversely associated with Time 2 proactive aggression and Time 1 reactive aggression was inversely associated with Time 2 empathy. Contrary to expectations, Time 1 proactive aggression was marginally positively associated with Time 2 empathy, and Time 1 empathy was not significantly associated with Time 2 reactive aggression. These prospective links did not differ according to gender. Implications and directions for future research are discussed. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, English, Spanish ANTECEDENTES La incidencia de complicaciones linfáticas tras el trasplante renal (post-kidney-transplantation lymphatic, PKTL) varía considerablemente en la literatura. Esto se debe en parte a que no se ha establecido una definición universalmente aceptada. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo proponer una definición aceptable para las complicaciones PKTL y un sistema de clasificación de la gravedad basado en la estrategia de tratamiento. MÉTODOS Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literat