Endometriosis is a condition where there are functional endometrial glands and stroma in sites other than uterine mucosa. It is a unique condition which is benign but has a tendency of invasion and extension locally. Scar endometriosis is a rare entity where there is presence and proliferation of endometrial gland and stroma in the scar of the previous surgery. It is estimated to be only 0.03 to 0.15% of all cases of endometriosis. Because of its deceptive nature and lack of specific diagnostic tools, scar endometriosis is often difficult to diagnose. It is also a challenge for the clinicians as this condition is difficult to treat because it is nonresponsive to hormonal treatment and excision is often the only effective treatment. Here we present two cases of scar endometriosis that we have encountered in BIRDEM general hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh in last five years.Complex malformations of the female genital tract are not as uncommon as they are thought to be. But because of their heterogeneous presentation they often pose a diagnostic dilemma and thus their management plan is crucial. Here we express a case report of a 12 year old girl with a rare and complex female genital tract malformation of uterine didelphys with obstructed hemi uterus due to unilateral cervical agenesis with ipsilateral renal agenesis and contralateral cervical dysgenesis. The girl presented to us with severe lower abdominal pain and progressive pelvic lump. In order to preserve menstrual function and fertility, a cervical fistula was made and the patient has been kept under follow up since then.Due to improvements in healthcare services, the life expectancy of human-beings is being improved; therefore the interest of understanding the possibility of implanting an anterior tooth for maintaining healthy lifestyle is of key importance. The aim of this study was to investigate the labial (facial) and palatal cortical plate dehiscence in bamboo monkeys. A total number of 20 bamboo monkeys tooth samples were included in the study, comprising of 20-teeth for individuals average aged 42 months. Labial and palatal cortical plate thickness of alveolar bone was measured at three different points at 1.0mm interval from alveolar crest 3.0mm apically using X-ray micro-tomography. The values showed dehiscence of labial cortical plate 1.0mm below the crest of alveolar bone. Further the labial cortical plate thickness at 2.0mm (0.25±0.076) and 3.0mm (0.525±0.089) was observed to be less than the palatal cortical plate of alveolar bone. The dehiscence of buccal cortical plate was observed at a distance of 1.0mm in addition the thickness of buccal cortical plate at three different points was significantly thinner than the palatal plate (p less then 0.05).As India has diverse environmental conditions in her regions, the different environmental condition must affect the growth and development of an individual may also affect the height achieved at adulthood. Total 504 volunteers of Western India were recruited in the study. Stature estimation equations were developed by single and multiple predictor models. Stature calculated in the present study was compared with earlier researchers. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/inx-315.html Evaluated with Pearson's correlation analysis all the eight measurements (Length of superior extremity, forearm and hand and breadth of hand on both sides) were positively correlated with stature. The strongest correlations were observed between superior extremity length and stature for all groups (combined r=0.886; males r=0.871; females r=0.950). Left superior extremity length had the lowest Standard error of estimation (SEE) for all groups (combined ±3.63cm; males ±2.736cm; females ±1.045cm) and coefficient of determination (R²) for the combined, males and female groups (78.6%, 76.1%, and 90.4% respectively) in single predictor linear regression model equation. In multiple regression model the highest accuracy (R²=0.908, SEE=1.381) was observed in the female when hand length and superior extremity length of the left side were used. Coefficients of determination (R²) obtained in this study were more than 70% in all the estimates except where hand breadth was involved. Predicted stature could be more accurate among females as compared to male. By single prediction model using superior extremity length was able to give the most accurate height, whereas, the accuracy improved as the number of predictors increased.The clinical importance of the internal thoracic arteries in procedures such as coronary artery bypass grafting, transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps and minimal incision direct coronary artery bypass surgery is well appreciated. The broad clinical utilization of the internal thoracic artery including the role of its branches in supplying blood to the sternum requires explicit anatomical knowledge of the vessel. The internal thoracic artery and its branches are known to exhibit morphological variations for different ethnic groups. Few studies have provided information regarding structural details and patterns of artery and its branches. The present morphometric study was conducted during year 2019. The internal thoracic artery and its branches were dissected and observed on 100 embalmed adult human cadavers of either sex (200 thoracic halves). The origin, diameter at origin and length of the artery were noted. The branching pattern and variations in branching blueprint were documented in this pioneer study. Mean length of branches of artery and mean distance between anterior intercostal arteries was quantified in this pioneer study. Sternal branches were observed in 87% instances on right side. Incidence of pericardiophrenic branches was 90% cases on left side. The origin of pericardiophrenic artery was found to be in 3rd or 4th intercostal space. The incidence of anterior intercostal arteries arising from musculophrenic artery was 73%. A detailed realization of this branching pattern would definitely allow prevention of sternal necrosis and improve prognosis in internal thoracic artery surgical mobilizations. The quantification of diameter at origin in North Indians would aid in determining central venous pressure, introducing pacemaker and administrating drugs in emergency.