The review is devoted to the chemical diversity of steroids produced by soft corals and their determined and potential activities. There are about 200 steroids that belong to different types of steroids such as secosteroids, spirosteroids, epoxy- and peroxy-steroids, steroid glycosides, halogenated steroids, polyoxygenated steroids and steroids containing sulfur or nitrogen heteroatoms. Of greatest interest is the pharmacological activity of these steroids. More than 40 steroids exhibit antitumor and related activity with a confidence level of over 90 percent. A group of 32 steroids shows anti-hypercholesterolemic activity with over 90 percent confidence. Ten steroids exhibit anti-inflammatory activity and 20 steroids can be classified as respiratory analeptic drugs. Several steroids exhibit rather rare and very specific activities. Steroids exhibit anti-osteoporotic properties and can be used to treat osteoporosis, as well as have strong anti-eczemic and anti-psoriatic properties and antispasmodic properties. Thus, this review is probably the first and exclusive to present the known as well as the potential pharmacological activities of 200 marine steroids.Development of strong immune evasion has been traditionally associated with the late stages of solid tumor progression, since advanced cancers are more likely to have reached the third phase of the immunoediting process. However, by integrating a variety of approaches, evidence for active immune escape mechanisms has been found even in the pre-invasive lesions that later progress to the main NSCLC histotypes. Pre-invasive lesions of adenocarcinoma (LUAD) and of squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) can show impaired antigen presentation, loss of heterozygosity at the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) region, neoantigen silencing, activation of immune checkpoints, altered TH1/TH2 cytokine ratios, and immune contexture evolution. Analysis of large panels of LUAD vs. LUSC, of early stage NSCLC vs. normal lung tissue, of specific molecular subsets of NSCLC, and of distinct regions within the same tumor, indicates that all these processes of immune escape continue to evolve in the invasive stage of NSCLC, are associated with inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity, and contribute to resistance to therapy by immune checkpoint blockade (ICB). In this review, we will discuss the most recent evidence on immune escape mechanisms developing from the precursor to invasive stage in NSCLC, and the contribution of immune evasion to resistance to ICB in lung cancer.It has been reported that some phase-polyphenic insects from high-density conditions are more resistant to pathogens than those from low-density conditions. This phenomenon is termed "density-dependent prophylaxis" (DDP). However, whether non phase-polyphenic insects exhibit DDP has rarely been elucidated. The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, one of the most destructive insect pests affecting cruciferous crops, is non phase-polyphenic. In this study, the resistance of DBM larvae to P. xylostella granulosis virus (Plxy GV) and their immune response to the virus when reared at densities of 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 larvae per Petri dish were investigated under laboratory conditions. Compared with larvae reared at lower densities, larvae reared at moderate density showed a significantly higher survival rate, but the survival rate significantly decreased with further increases in rearing density. Furthermore, the phenoloxidase, lysozyme and antibacterial activity and total hemocyte count in the hemolymph of the larvae, regardless of whether they were challenged with the virus, from different larval densities corresponded to the observed differences in resistance to Plxy GV. These results demonstrated that P. xylostella larvae exhibited DDP within a certain limited density. This study may help to elucidate the biocontrol effect of different density populations of P. xylostella by granulosis virus and guide improvements in future management strategy.Obesity, particularly in childhood and adolescence, is one of the serious public health problems worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, 10% of young people aged 5-17 years are obese, which is rapidly increasing around the world. Furthermore, approximately 80% of adolescents who become obese develop bodyweight-related health problems in adulthood. Eating habits and lifestyles play important roles in forming body composition and metabolic status. Changes in body composition in adolescence, the period in which secondary sex characteristics begin to develop, can alter hormonal and metabolic status, can consequently affect health status and the risk of developing chronic diseases in adulthood, and moreover may have an impact on probable body composition and metabolic status in the next generation. Here, we reviewed cross-sectional and interventional studies to analyze the role of dietary patterns focusing on macronutrient intake in growth, body composition, and metabolic changes in adolescents. These findings provide insights into optimal dietary guidelines for healthy growth with accretion of adequate body composition in adolescence, and provide an effective strategy for preventing and managing the risk of obesity-related metabolic disease in adulthood, with the additional benefit of providing potential benefits for the next generation's health.Across its pan-European distribution, the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) faces a wide diversity of environmental and climatic conditions; therefore, several factors, including intrinsic ones, shape life-history traits and cause significant variability in parameters of fitness. By utilizing microsatellite variations in 214 roe deer females collected throughout Slovenia, Central Europe, we determined the genetic variability and population structure of this species in the contact zone between the Alps and the Dinaric Mountains, i.e., over a wider area where data on the genetic outlook for this-the most common and widespread European wild ungulate-have been completely lacking so far. Throughout the country, we found moderate microsatellite diversity (Ho = 0.57-0.65) in relation to the observed heterozygosity reported for other roe deer populations in Europe. Spatial differences in genetic diversity of the species in Slovenia can be explained by population history linked to varying approaches to population management and/or different connectivity among subpopulations in topographically differentiated habitats.