To describe the prevalence of knowledge about neurodevelopment disorders (NDDs) and the level of acceptance of models of inclusive education (IEM) in teachers. A multicenter cross-sectional study in Mexico and Central America. A self-report instrument to teachers of basic level on knowledge in NDDs and acceptance of the IEM. The response of 511 teachers was obtained. The prevalence of high acceptance of the IEM was 28.6%. Of the 120 teachers who reported having extensive knowledge about intellectual disability, 3.8% were in the lowest percentile of acceptance of the IEM, 19.5% in the average percentile of acceptance and 55.5% of them were in the highest percentile acceptance (p<0.001). Among teachers, a greater knowledge about NDDs was associated with the acceptance of IEM learning disorders RM 3.76 (95%CI 2.13-6.62); attention deficit disorders with hyperactivity RM 2.24 (95%CI 1.31-3.84) and intellectual disability RM 3.84 (95%CI 2.46-5.99). The teaching acceptance of IEM can be favored with greater and better training of education professionals on the different NDDs. The teaching acceptance of IEM can be favored with greater and better training of education professionals on the different NDDs. To analyze health practice transformations in health providers in Mexico. . We used qualitative data to explore transnational health practices of men with migration experience to the US, healthcare professionals in Mexico from eight rural communities, and Mexican providers in US. Data used came from a study that explored transnational health practices in the context of migration. Healthcare professionals provided care to migrants through remote consultations or via a family member, and in-person during migrants' visits or by health-care professionals relocating to migrants' destination com-munities in the US. The remote consultations mainly caused three changes in the field of medical practice providing care wi