Purpose Determinants of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are hypoxemia and hypercapnia, as well as (micro) arousals from sleep, resulting in chronic sleep fragmentation, sleep deprivation, and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). All of the above-mentioned factors might contribute to psychomotor impairment seen in OSA patients. Additionally, this study aimed to assess the contribution of BMI, age, EDS assessed with Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), and severity of OSA assessed with apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) to the reaction time on chronometric tests in OSA patients and controls. It is hypothesized that moderate and severe OSA have adverse effects on reaction time of perception to visual stimulus, of solving simple arithmetic operations, and of psychomotor limbs coordination assessed by chronometric psychodiagnostic test battery. Patients and Methods This study was conducted on 206 male participants; 103 of them had moderate or severe OSA diagnosed by whole-night polysomnography/polygraphy. Control participants (N=ts with OSA in this study, when age was controlled for. © 2020 Lusic Kalcina et al.Clinical guidelines are a potential tool for improving the effectiveness and quality of healthcare, decreasing variability in clinical practice, and preventing adverse events. In the purview of Law no. 24/2017, adherence to national guidelines can lead to a reduction in medical malpractice claims and the practice of so-called "defensive medicine". The law has assigned a central role to the guidelines, establishing the National Institute of Health through the new Italian National Center for Clinical Excellence, Quality, and Security (CNEC) as the methodological guarantor in the process of national guideline development. Here we discuss the issue of professional liability as recently outlined by the Gelli-Bianco Law (no. 24/2017), taking into account the clinical significance and medicolegal value of the guidelines