In addition, the bacterial load in tilapia from San Pedro Lake does not pose a risk to human health. PRACTITIONER POINTS Watershed livestock activities combined with rainfall increase fecal matter pollution in specific areas of the lake. San Pedro Lake displays satisfactory quality for aquatic life. The median fecal coliform population in lake fish (gills and skin) differs by season. Role confusion is hampering the development of nurses' capacity for health promotion and prevention. Addressing this requires discussion to reach agreement among nurses, managers, co-workers, professional associations, academics and organisations about the nursing activities in this field. Forming a sound basis for this discussion is essential. To provide a description of the state of nursing health promotion and prevention practice expressed in terms of activities classifiable under the Ottawa Charter and to reveal the misalignments between this portrayal and the ideal one proposed by the Ottawa Charter. A critical interpretive synthesis was conducted between December 2018 and May 2019. The PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, PsychINFO, Web of Science and Dialnet databases were searched. Sixty-two papers were identified. The relevant data were extracted using a pro-forma, and the reviewers performed an integrative synthesis. The ENTREQ reporting guidelines were used for this review. Thirty synthetic constructs wplained by the nurses' lack of understanding of health promotion and prevention and political will, research methodological flaws, the predominance of a biomedical perspective within organisations and the lack of organisational prioritisation for health promotion and prevention. Increasing evidence exists suggesting that cardiac contractility modulation therapy (CCM) improves symptoms in heart failure patients if various selection criteria are fulfilled. The aim of this study is to analyse an unselected sample of heart failure patients to es