These results indicate that ELP nanoparticles, regardless of chain length, particle diameter, or amino acid hydrophobicity, may have the potential to stimulate a humoral immune response via immunoglobulin G and activated complement factor 3 despite the large amounts of albumin adsorbed at the blood-material interface.The EpiData Center (EDC) has provided routine blood lead level (BLL) surveillance for Department of Defense (DoD) pediatric beneficiaries since 2011. Data for this study were collected and compiled from raw laboratory test records obtained from the Composite Health Care System Health Level 7 (HL7)-formatted chemistry data, allowing an overview of the number of tests performed and the number of elevated results. Between 2010 and 2017, there were 177,061 tests performed among 162,238 pediatric beneficiaries tested. Using only the highest test result per year for each individual, 169,917 tests were retained for analysis, of which 1,334 (0.79%) test results were considered elevated. The percentage of children with elevated BLLs generally decreased over the time period for children of every service affiliation. All tests throughout this time frame were evaluated using current standards and the protocol followed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of the Navy (DON). The adoption of a standardized BLL surveillance methodology across the DoD supports a cohesive approach to an evolving public health surveillance topic.Long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) use has been increasing for almost 2 decades; however, while LARC methods are highly effective at preventing pregnancies, they do not prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). As a result, there is concern that the increased use of LARCs could lead to increased risk for STIs through sexual risk behaviors such as reduced condom use. Between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2018, 18,691 service women in the study population received an intrauterine device (IUD) and 17,723 received an implant. Among active component service women who received an IUD or implant and maintained the same marital status during the study period, there was no notable increase in incidence of STIs in the 12 months after LARC insertion when compared to the 12 months before insertion. However, findings did show that rates of STIs increased from the LARC pre-insertion period to the post-insertion period among women in the youngest age category, suggesting that risk-reduction counseling and educational efforts should be focused on the youngest service members who receive LARC.This report summarizes incidence rates of the 5 most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among active component service members of the U.S. Armed Forces during 2011-2019. Infections with chlamydia were the most common, followed in decreasing order of frequency by infections with genital human papillomavirus (HPV), gonorrhea, genital herpes simplex virus (HSV), and syphilis. Compared to men, women had higher rates of all STIs except for syphilis. In general, compared to their respective counterparts, younger service members, non-Hispanic black service members, soldiers, and enlisted members had higher incidence rates of STIs. The incidence of chlamydia and gonorrhea generally increased among both male and female service members in the latter half of the surveillance period but may have begun to level off or decrease in 2019. Rates of syphilis increased for male service members through 2018 but decreased slightly in 2019; the rate among female service members increased from 2011 to 2014 but leveled off through 2018 before increasing in 2019. The incidence of genital HPV generally decreased among both male and female service member but rose slightly among women in 2019; HSV incidence decreased among both male and female service members. Similarities to and differences from the findings of the last MSMR update on STIs are discussed.In-operando study coupled with voltage/current profiles are presented in order to unveil lithium insertion processes into 3D porous carbon nanotube (CNT) structures whose surfaces were altered to have lithiophobic, lithiophilic, and hybridized lithiophobic/philic characteristics using graphitic surfaces with/without carboxyl/hydroxyl groups. We found the lithiophobic graphitic surfaces hindered lithium insertion into the scaffold despite the high conductivity of CNT. The lithiophilic surface caused another problem of lithium deposition on the outer surface of the electrode, clogging pores and engendering dendrites. Conversely, in the hybridized CNT, lithiophilic trenches partially created on the pristine CNT allowed for uniform lithium deposition into the pores by simultaneously improved lithium attraction and charge transfer, reaching a high areal capacity of 16 mAh cm-2 even with a current density of 8 mA cm-2 without noticeable dendrite formation and volume expansion. Our hybridization approach provides valuable insight to realize a high-energy-density anode by uniformly impregnating lithium into porous media.Due to large fluctuations in cellular environments, transfer of information in biological processes without regulation is error-prone. The mechanistic details of error-reducing mechanisms in biological copying processes have been a subject of active research; however, how error reduction of a process is balanced with its thermodynamic cost and dynamical properties remain largely unexplored. Here, we study the error reducing strategies in light of the recently discovered thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) that sets a physical bound to the cost-precision trade-off for dissipative processes. We found that the two representative copying processes, DNA replication by the exonuclease-deficient T7 DNA polymerase and mRNA translation by the E. coli ribosome, reduce the error rates to biologically acceptable levels while also optimizing the processes close to the physical limit dictated by TUR.We introduce a design strategy to expand the range of accessible mechanical properties in covalent adaptable networks (CANs) using bottlebrush polymer building blocks. Well-defined bottlebrush polymers with rubbery poly(4-methylcaprolactone) side chains were cross-linked in formulations that include a bislactone and strong Lewis acid (tin ethylhexanoate). The resulting materials exhibit tunable stress-relaxation rates at elevated temperatures (160-180 °C) due to dynamic ester cross-links that undergo transesterification with residual hydroxy groups. Varying the cross-linker loading or bottlebrush backbone degree of polymerization yields predictable low-frequency shear moduli ca. 10-100 kPa, well below values typical of linear polymer CANs (1 MPa). These extensible networks can be stretched to strains as large as 350% before failure and undergo efficient self-healing to recover >85% of their original toughness upon repeated fracture and melt processing. In summary, molecular architecture creates new opportunities to tailor the mechanical properties of CANs in ways that are otherwise difficult to achieve.