Most of the students preferred practical demonstration (81.3%) as the preferred method of teaching and computer with a liquid crystal display projector as ideal media for teaching (63.8%). Boring/monotonous teaching class was found (73.5%) to be an important cause for absenteeism among medical undergraduate students. The results indicate that the medical student's preference is changing from passive learning to active learning. We conclude by linking these emerging perceptions with suggestions to help drive excellence in medical education. The results indicate that the medical student's preference is changing from passive learning to active learning. We conclude by linking these emerging perceptions with suggestions to help drive excellence in medical education. In Iran, community health workers (CHWs) are native and are only employed in the health-care system. Therefore, the training and empowerment of these staff are essential. The present study was aimed to develop cooperative learning techniques in CHWs to improve both cognitive and noncognitive aspects such as accountability and other social skills in learners. This study employed a quasi-experimental pre- and post-test design with a control group that was conducted in Kangavar City, Iran, in 2019. Forty-four CHWs were selected using a two-stage cluster sampling, of whom 22 were randomly assigned to the experimental group where the jigsaw technique was applied and the rest to the control group where the lecture method was applied. The aim was to identify job performance and motivation among the CHWs after instruction and compare the two groups. Pre- and posttests were applied to the groups before and after an in-service training course using valid questionnaires. Data analysis was performed on both descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean and standard deviation, paired -test, and covariance analysis with the confidence level of 95%. The findings showed that the intervention significantly increased the mean score of motivation and performance in the experimental group. Covariance analysis with the removal of the pretest effect was also statistically significant ( = 0.01). Moreover, the MANCOVA test showed the jigsaw technique effect considering motivation and performance with a confidence level of 95%. Given the well-known effect of cooperative learning techniques and since CHWs have multi roles and tasks, it is necessary to use such techniques so that they can be accountable for developing health indicators in local areas. Given the well-known effect of cooperative learning techniques and since CHWs have multi roles and tasks, it is necessary to use such techniques so that they can be accountable for developing health indicators in local areas. The state of health-care disaster preparedness in Iran prior to the possible earthquakes is not well documented. This study identified the challenges of the Iranian health system before possible earthquakes in Tehran based on the World Health Organization (WHO) framework. In this qualitative study, in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted for 17 health experts and authorities, who were selected based on purposive sampling method. The questions were designed based on the proposed framework of the WHO in six areas including policies and planning, communication, collaboration and coordination, training, volunteers and the public, and surge capability. The data were analyzed by using framework analysis. The main themes included weak communication infrastructures, inappropriate assessment of specialized training courses and lack of a clear scenario, integrated urban commanding, extra-sectorial coordination, and data banks for public volunteers. Iran health-care disaster preparedness was tested by many earthquakes. This research showed that disaster preparedness in Iran faces several challenges. Iran health-care disaster preparedness was tested by many earthquakes. This research showed that disaster preparedness in Iran faces several challenges. Reporting medical errors is a major challenge in patient safety and improving service quality. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the status of error reporting and the challenges of developing an error-reporting system in Iran. This study was designed with qualitative approach and grounded theory method in teaching hospitals affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences. The views of safety authorities at various levels of management, including those responsible for safety at the Ministry of Health, Vice Chancellor and Hospitals affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences, were investigated in 2019 regarding adverse events. Four major themes were identified included iceberg reporting and disclosure, weak reporting, underreporting, and non-error disclosure. The most common problems in reporting medical error were non-involvement of physicians in the error-reporting process, structural (human and information) bugs in root cause analysis sessions, and defective error prevention approaches designed based on the failure mode and effects analysis. Despite a large number of medical errors occurred in health-care settings, error reporting is still very low, with only a limited number of errors being reported routinely in hospitals and the rest are minor and occasional reports. Creating a mandatory error-reporting system and requiring physicians to report and participate in error analysis sessions can create a safety culture and increase the error-reporting rate. Creating a mandatory error-reporting system and requiring physicians to report and participate in error analysis sessions can create a safety culture and increase the error-reporting rate. Well-being in schools is often considered in relation to the educational and academic success of students. However, it is difficult, at present, not to consider the well-being of a student without an ecological and holistic perspective, in view of the interaction principles implemented in schools. This research aimed to identify the representations hold by Moroccan teenagers about well-being. It aimed, also, to do a comparison between two groups of teenagers one belonging to urban and the other to rural areas. This quantitative study concerns a sample of 1444 pupils (755 girls and 689 boys) enrolled in middle school. Research instrument for this study was questionnaire that includes 15 questions relating to well-being at school, relationships with the teacher, relationships between students, violence experienced, and coeducation. From the analysis of data, pupils in the rural areas seem to be most sensitive to the "emotional" aspects of the teacher-pupil relationship. The girls are more satisfied in middle school than boys.