The Tol-Pal system is a protein complex that is highly conserved in many gram-negative bacteria. We show here that the Tol-Pal system is associated with the enteric pathogenesis of enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). Deletion of tolB, which is required for the Tol-Pal system decreased motility, secretion of the Type III secretion system proteins EspA/B, and the ability of bacteria to adhere to and to form attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions in host cells, but the expression level of LEE genes, including espA/B that encode Type III secretion system proteins were not affected. The Citrobacter rodentium, tolB mutant, that is traditionally used to estimate Type III secretion system associated virulence in mice did not cause lethality in mice while it induced anti-bacterial immunity. We also found that the pal mutant, which lacks activity of the Tol-Pal system, exhibited lower motility and EspA/B secretion than the wild-type parent. These combined results indicate that the Tol-Pal system contributes to the virulence of EHEC associated with the Type III secretion system and flagellar activity for infection at enteric sites. This finding provides evidence that the Tol-Pal system may be an effective target for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by pathogenic E. coli.The concept of entropy connects the number of possible configurations with the number of variables in large stochastic systems. Independent or weakly interacting variables render the number of configurations scale exponentially with the number of variables, making the Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon entropy extensive. In systems with strongly interacting variables, or with variables driven by history-dependent dynamics, this is no longer true. Here we show that contrary to the generally held belief, not only strong correlations or history-dependence, but skewed-enough distribution of visiting probabilities, that is, first-order statistics, also play a role in d