The expanded semi-quantitative (eSQ) osteoporotic vertebral deformity (OVD) classification has minimal, mild, moderate, moderately-severe, severe, and collapsed grades with <20%, 20-25%, >25%-1/3, >1/3-40%, >40%-2/3, >2/3 vertebral height loss respectively. This study evaluates the performance of using this grading criterion by radiology readers who did not have former training in OVD assessment. Spine radiographs of 44 elderly women with 278 normal appearing vertebrae and 65 OVDs were selected, with two senior readers agreed the reference reading. Three readers from Italy and three readers from China were invited to evaluate these radiographs after reading five reference articles including one detailing eSQ criteria with illustrative examples. Before the second round of reading, the readers were asked to read an additional explanatory document. For the readers in Italy an additional on-line demonstration was given on how to measure vertebral height loss in another five cases of OVD. Two Chassessing radiographic after a brief self-learning period. Conventional ultrasound manual scanning and artificial diagnosis approaches in breast are considered to be operator-dependence, slight slow and error-prone. In this study, we used Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) machine for the scanning, and deep convolutional neural network (CNN) technology, a kind of Deep Learning (DL) algorithm, for the detection and classification of breast nodules, aiming to achieve the automatic and accurate diagnosis of breast nodules. Two hundred and ninety-three lesions from 194 patients with definite pathological diagnosis results (117 benign and 176 malignancy) were recruited as case group. Another 70 patients without breast diseases were enrolled as control group. All the breast scans were carried out by an ABUS machine and then randomly divided into training set, verification set and test set, with a proportion of 712. In the training set, w