Daily activities have been associated with neurocognitive performance. However, much of this research has used in-person neuropsychological testing that requires participants to travel to a laboratory or clinic, which may not always be feasible and does not allow for the examination of real-time relationships between cognition and behavior. Thus, there is a need to understand the real-time relationship between activities in the real world and neurocognitive functioning to improve tracking of symptoms or disease states and aid in the early identification of neurocognitive deficits among at-risk individuals. We used a smartphone-based ecological momentary cognitive assessment (EMCA) platform to examine real-time relationships between daily activities and neurocognitive performance (executive functioning and verbal learning) in the everyday environment of middle-aged and older adults with and without HIV. A total of 103 adults aged 50-74 years (67 persons with HIV; mean age 59 years, SD 6.4) were recruitedurocognitive performance and may add new dimensions to understanding the complexity of human behavior. Smartphones present unique opportunities for assessing neurocognitive performance and behavior in middle-aged and older adults' own environment. Measurement of cognition and daily functioning outside of clinical settings may generate novel insights on the dynamic association of daily behaviors and neurocognitive performance and may add new dimensions to understanding the complexity of human behavior. The collection of self-reported physical activity using validated questionnaires has known bias and measurement error. Accelerometry, an objective measure of daily activity, increases the rigor and accuracy of physical activity measurements. Here, we describe the methodology and related protocols for accelerometry data collection and quality assurance using the Actigraph GT9X accelerometer data collection in a convenience sample of ovarian cancer survivors enrolled in GOG/NRG 0225, a 24-month randomized controlled trial of diet and physical activity intervention versus attention control. From July 2015 to December 2019, accelerometers were mailed on 1337 separate occasions to 580 study participants to wear at 4 time points (baseline, 6, 12, and 24 months) for 7 consecutive days. Study staff contacted participants via telephone to confirm their availability to wear the accelerometers and reviewed instructions and procedures regarding the return of the accelerometers and assisted with any technology conceata in cancer survivors residing in a wide geographic area. The rapid increase of the aging population is pushing many national governments to reshape retirement legislation in order to extend older adults' working life. Once retired, older adults can be invaluable resources for the community as family carers, as volunteers, or by returning to work. Healthy aging is one of the main conditions for being able to work longer and being active after retirement. The latter, indeed, represents a very sensitive life transition, which can entail psychological and social difficulties. Interventions for promoting older workers' health and well-being and supporting the transition to retirement are on the top of the policy agenda of most European countries. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/gne-049.html Recently, computer-based and digital health interventions have been seen as promising means to reach this purpose. This systematic literature review aimed to explore studies on digital health coaching programs for older workers that followed a user-centered design approach and evaluated their effectiveness in providing olden order to fully address the users' health needs and the technological requirements throughout development. Moreover, the healthy aging perspective allows inclusion of physical, social, and psychological factors influencing the transition from work to retirement, as well as the experiences and interactions of individuals with the technology. Ongoing research is necessary to better understand the causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the developmental outcomes for individuals diagnosed with ASD, and the efficacy of the interventions. However, it is often difficult to recruit sufficient numbers of participants for studies, and despite the prevalence of ASD (currently estimated to affect 1 in 54 children), little research has focused on how to efficiently recruit participants with ASD. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of two different paid advertisements-social media and radio advertising-in recruiting participants for a study enrolling people with ASD and their family members by examining the number of participants enrolled, the cost per participant, and the geographic reach of each type of advertising. We examined participant enrollment in a study following nonoverlapping paid advertisements on a popular FM radio station (aired in three cities across two states) and Facebook (six advertisements that ran in five cities tudy on social media prior to enrollment, while only 9 (2.4%) said they heard about it via radio. Our findings suggest that advertising on social media can efficiently reach a large pool of potential participants with ASD, increasing the likelihood of meeting study enrollment goals. Researchers should consider allocating at least some portion of recruitment dollars to social media platforms as a means of quickly and inexpensively reaching out to their target populations, including for studies with in-person procedures. Our findings suggest that advertising on social media can efficiently reach a large pool of potential participants with ASD, increasing the likelihood of meeting study enrollment goals. Researchers should consider allocating at least some portion of recruitment dollars to social media platforms as a means of quickly and inexpensively reaching out to their target populations, including for studies with in-person procedures. There is evidence that reward responsiveness and optimism are associated with mental and social functioning in adolescence and adulthood, but it is unknown if this is also the case for young children. Part of the reason for this gap in the literature is that the instruments that are used to assess reward responsiveness and optimism in adolescents and adults are usually not suitable for young children. Two behavioral tasks to assess reward learning, a questionnaire on reward responsiveness, and a questionnaire on optimism/pessimism will be tested on their feasibility and reliability in children aged 6-7. Depending on their feasibility and reliability, these instruments will also be used to investigate if reward responsiveness and optimism are associated with mental and social functioning in young children. For this cross-sectional pilot study, we adapted a number of tasks and questionnaires to the needs of 6-7-year-old children, by simplification of items, oral rather than written assessment, and reducing the number of conditions and items.