sser degree bacterial species and host. Several resistance markers associated with resistance to aminoglycosides and macrolides were found among the sequenced isolates. The consistent association between the simultaneous presentation of AMR to aminoglycosides and macrolides in all hosts could be due to the persistence of strains and/or resistance mechanisms in Campylobacter populations in livestock over time. Further studies based on whole genome sequencing are needed to assess the epidemiological links between hosts and bacterial strains.Pediococcus acidilactici may significantly reduce the pH-value, and thus has different influence, including serving as a probiotic in human microbiota but a spoilage in human food as it could change the flavor. Pediococcus acidilactici is also capable of entering into the viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state causing false negative results of standard culture-based detection method. Thus, development of detection method for VBNC state P. acidilactici is of great significance. In this study, propidium monoazide (PMA) combined with cross priming amplification (CPA) was developed to detect the VBNC cells of P. acidilactici and applied on the detection in different systems. With detection limit of 104 cells/ml, high sensitivity, and 100% specificity, PMA-CPA can successfully detect VBNC cells of P. acidilactici and be applied in with high robustness.Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB; yellow shoot disease) is associated with an unculturable α-proteobacterium "Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus" (CLas). HLB was found in southern California in 2012, and the current management strategy is based on suppression of the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) that transmits CLas and removal of confirmed CLas-positive trees. Little is known about Asian citrus psyllid-associated bacteria and citrus-associated bacteria in the HLB system. Such information is important in HLB management, particularly for accurate detection of CLas. Recent advancements in next-generation sequencing technology provide new opportunities to study HLB through genomic DNA sequence analyses (metagenomics). In this study, HLB-related bacteria in Asian citrus psyllid and citrus (represented by leaf midrib tissues) samples from southern California were analyzed. A metagenomic pipeline was developed to serve as a prototype for future bacteriomic research. This pipeline included steps of next-generation sequencing in Illumina platform, de novo assembly of Illumina reads, sequence classification using the Kaiju tool, acquisition of bacterial draft genome sequences, and taxonomic validation and diversity evaluation using average nucleotide identity. The identified bacteria in Asian citrus psyllids and citrus together included Bradyrhizobium, Buchnera, Burkholderia, "Candidatus Profftella armature," "Candidatus Carsonella ruddii," CLas, Mesorhizobium, Paraburkholderia, Pseudomonas, and Wolbachia. The whole genome of a CLas strain recently found in San Bernardino County was sequenced and classified into prophage typing group 1 (PTG-1), one of the five known CLas groups in California. Based on sequence similarity, Bradyrhizobium and Mesorhizobium were identified as possible source that could interfere with CLas detection using the 16S rRNA gene-based PCR commonly used for HLB diagnosis, particularly at low or zero CLas titer situation.The functionality of caspase homologs in prokaryotic cell execution has been perceived, yet the dimensions of their metabolic pertinence are still cryptic. Here, a detailed in silico study on putative cyanobacterial caspase homologs, termed orthocaspases, in a sequenced genome of 132 strains was performed. We observed that 473 putative orthocaspases were distributed among 62% cyanobacterial strains subsumed within all the taxonomical orders. However, high diversity among these orthocaspases was also evident as the conventional histidine-cysteine (HC) dyad was present only in 72.03% of orthocaspases (wild-type), whereas the rest 28.18% were pseudo-variants having substituted the catalytic dyad. Besides, the presence of various accessory functional domains with Peptidase C14 probably suggested the multifunctionality of the orthocaspases. Moreover, the early origin and emergence of wild-type orthocaspases were conferred by their presence in Gloeobacter; however, the complex phylogeny displayed by these caspase-homologs perhaps suggested horizontal a gene transfer for their acquisition. However, morpho-physiological advancements and larger genome size favored the acquisition of orthocaspases. Moreover, the conserved caspase hemoglobinase fold not only in the wild-type but also in the pseudo-orthocaspases in Nostoc sp. PCC 7120 ascertained the least effect of catalytic motifs in the protein tertiary structure. Further, the 100-ns molecular dynamic simulation and molecular mechanics/generalized born surface area exhibited stable binding of arginylarginine dipeptide with wild-type orthocaspase of Nostoc sp. PCC 7120, displaying arginine-P1 specificity of wild-type orthocaspases. This study deciphered the distribution, diversity, domain architecture, structure, and basic substrate specificity of putative cyanobacterial orthocaspases, which may aid in functional investigations in the future.Continuous cropping negatively affects soil fertility, physicochemical properties and the microbial community structure. However, the effects of long-term chili monoculture on the dominant microbial community assembly are not known. In this study, the impact of long-term chili monoculture on the correlation between the dominant microbial community and soil environmental variables was assessed. The results indicated that increasing duration of chili monoculture generated significant changes in soil nutrients, soil aggregates and soil enzymes nutrient contents increased overall, mechanically stable macroaggregates increased and microaggregates decreased, water-stable macroaggregates and microaggregates decreased, β-glucosidase decreased nonlinearly, and nitrate reductase and alkaline phosphatase activities showed a nonlinear increase. Moreover, an increasing number of years of chili monoculture also affected the structure of the dominant microbiota, with substantial changes in the relative abundances of 11 bacterial and fungal genera.