3D object recognition is an generic task in robotics and autonomous vehicles. In this paper, we propose a 3D object recognition approach using a 3D extension of the histogram-of-gradients object descriptor with data captured with a depth camera. The presented method makes use of synthetic objects for training the object classifier, and classify real objects captured by the depth camera. The preprocessing methods include operations to achieve rotational invariance as well as to maximize the recognition accuracy while reducing the feature dimensionality at the same time. By studying different preprocessing options, we show challenges that need to be addressed when moving from synthetic to real data. The recognition performance was evaluated with a real dataset captured by a depth camera and the results show a maximum recognition accuracy of 81.5%.The efficiency with which dairy cows convert dietary nitrogen (N) to milk N is generally low (typically 25%). As a result, much of the N consumed is excreted in manure, from which N can be lost to the environment. Therefore there is increasing pressure to reduce N excretion and improve N use efficiency (NUE) on dairy farms. However, assessing N excretion and NUE on farms is difficult, thus the need to develop proximate measures that can provide accurate estimates of nitrogen utilisation. This review examines a number of these proximate measures. While a strong relationship exists between blood urea N and urinary N excretion, blood sampling is an invasive technique unsuitable for regular herd monitoring. Milk urea N (MUN) can be measured non-invasively, and while strong relationships exist between dietary crude protein and MUN, and MUN and urinary N excretion, the technique has limitations. Direct prediction of NUE using mid-infrared analysis of milk has real potential, while techniques such as near-infrared spectroscopy analysis of faeces and manure have received little attention. Similarly, techniques such as nitrogen isotope analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of urine, and breath ammonia analysis may all offer potential in the future, but much research is still required.The ribosome CAR interaction surface is hypothesized to provide a layer of translation regulation through hydrogen-bonding to the +1 mRNA codon that is next to enter the ribosome A site during translocation. The CAR surface consists of three residues, 16S/18S rRNA C1054, A1196 (E. coli 16S numbering), and R146 of yeast ribosomal protein Rps3. R146 can be methylated by the Sfm1 methyltransferase which is downregulated in stressed cells. Through molecular dynamics analysis, we show here that methylation of R146 compromises the integrity of CAR by reducing the cation-pi stacking of the R146 guanidinium group with A1196, leading to reduced CAR hydrogen-bonding with the +1 codon. We propose that ribosomes assembled under stressed conditions have unmethylated R146, resulting in elevated CAR/+1 codon interactions, which tunes translation levels in response to the altered cellular context.Tanneries generate large amounts of solid and liquid wastes, which contain harmful chemical compounds in the environment, such as chromium, that is used in the tanning process. Until now, they have been almost completely dumped in landfills. Thus, finding eco-sustainable and innovative alternatives for the management and disposal of these wastes is becoming a huge challenge for tanneries and researchers around the world. In particular, the scientific and industrial communities have started using wastes to produce new materials exploiting the characteristics of leather, which are strongly connected with the macromolecular structure of its main component, collagen. None of the reviews on leather waste management actually present in the scientific literature report in detail the use of leather to make composite materials and the mechanical properties of the materials obtained, which are of fundamental importance for an effective industrial exploitation of leather scraps. This comprehensive review reports for the first time the state of the art of the strategies related to the recovery and valorization of both hydrolyzed collagen and leather waste for the realization of composite materials, reporting in detail the properties and the industrial applications of the materials obtained. In the conclusion section, the authors provide practical implications for industry in relation to sustainability and identify research gaps that can guide future authors and industries in their work.Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) involves the microinjection of sperm into a matured oocyte. Although this reproductive technology is successfully used in humans and many animal species, the efficiency of this procedure is low in the bovine species mainly due to failed oocyte activation following sperm microinjection. This review discusses various reasons for the low efficiency of ICSI in cattle, potential solutions, and future directions for research in this area, emphasizing the contributions of testis-specific isoforms of Na/K-ATPase (ATP1A4) and phospholipase C zeta (PLC ΞΆ). Improving the efficiency of bovine ICSI would benefit the cattle breeding industries by effectively utilizing semen from elite sires at their earliest possible age.In recent years, blood transfusions have been more commonly given to pets. The importance of determining blood groups in dogs and cats is, therefore, well-known for reducing the risk of adverse reactions in the recipient blood caused by a "non-compatible" donor. This systematic review summarizes data from previously published reports and follows the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines for systematic reviews. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we identified 41 eligible studies using different states and blood-typing methods to determine blood groups in dogs. The dog blood groups that were identified between 1999 and 2020 in 17 different countries were combined to yield the DEA (Dog Erythrocyte Antigen), Kai, and Dal groups. These studies were conducted in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia but not in all the countries of these continents. The methods used to determine blood types have also changed over the years. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/inf195.html This systematic review highlights gaps in the literature and should advance future studies synthesizing data with methodological rigor.